Català Castellano
Academic year 2023-24

Subject's general information
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Sciences3COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Master's Degree in Biomedical ResearchCOMPLEMENTARY TRAININGAttendance-based
Course number of credits (ECTS)9
Type of activity, credits, and groups
Number of credits1.91.45.7
Number of groups321
Teaching load distribution between lectures and independent student workNo. of presencial hours: 90
No. of non presencial hours: 135
Important information on data processingConsult this link for more information.
Distribution of creditsSee Tables above
Lectures: 57 hours
Seminaries: 14 hours
Lab practices: 19 hours
Teaching staffE-mail addressesCredits taught by teacherOffice and hour of attention
CANTI NICOLAS, CARLEScarles.canti@udl.cat2,3
GARCERA TERUEL, ANAana.garcera@udl.cat3,2
MEDINA HERNÁNDEZ, LORETA MARÍAloreta.medina@udl.cat5,6
SOLER TATCHE, ROSA MARIArosa.soler@udl.cat1,3
Subject's extra information

This is a basic course of the third year of the Biomedical Sciences degree, scheduled during the first semester of the academic year. It pretends to provide students with basic, multidisciplinary knowledge that allows to understand the structure and function of the nervous system, as well as comprehension of the molecular and cellular processes underlying nervous system disease.

The program includes basic contents on the nervous system (development, cell and molecular biology, anatomy, physiology, as well as systems, cognitive and behavioral neuroscience). In addition to transversal competences, students should acquire competences regarding neuroscience terminology, neuroimage interpretation, and other basic concepts in neuroscience. Regarding instrumental competences, in addition to learning basic neurobiology and neurohistology techniques, we will collaborate with other courses in the Biomedicine degree for facilitating communication abilities in students, fostering their capacity to work independently as well as in group, and promoting their use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) for obtaining and handling information.

Learning objectives

CB1 That students have demonstrated that they have and understand knowledge in an area of ​​study that is based on general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the forefront of their field of study

CB2 That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the development and defense of arguments and problem solving within their area of study

CE62. Describe the molecular, cellular, genetic and epigenetic bases of diseases such as: cancer, diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases and related processes such as aging

CE65. Analyze scientific information through specialized publications, as well as be able to summarize and present it in different formats

CE66. Recognize the scientific methodology of research

CG5 Apply the gender perspective to the tasks of the professional field

Subject contents


Topic 0. Introductión to Neurocience.


Block I - General

Topic 1. Cellular biology of the  nervous system

1.1. The neuron.

1.2. The nervous fiber.

1.3. Synapsis.

1.4. Introduction to neurophysiology.

1.5. Glial cells.

1.6. Meninges and cerebrospinal fluid.

Topic  2. Development of the nervous system.

2.1. Cellular basis of nervous system development.

2.2. Molecular basis of nervous system development.

2.3. Plasticity and regeneration in the nervous system.


Block II - Special: Neuroanatomy

Topic 3.Human and comparative neuroanatomy.

3.1. Principles of organization. Planes, axis and terminology.

3.2. Basic subdivisions of the Nervous System: An evolutionary developmental neurobiology approach

3.3. Spinal Cord

3.4. Brainstem and Cerebellum

3.5. Prosencephalon

Topic 4. Neuroanatomical basis of functional systems

4.1. Perception, attention and consciousness.

4.2. Systems involved in motivation and emotion. Interactions with the motor system.

4.3. Learnigns and memory.

4.4. Hormones, sex and social brain.


Block II - Special: Physiology

Introduction to neurophysiology II: electrical properties of plasmatic membrane.

Topic 5. Sensorial systems.

5.1. Basic concepts and general functional properties of sensory and motor systems.

5.2. Somatosensory system.

- Organization

- Ascending pathways

- Physiology

5.3. Visual system.

5.4. Auditory and Vestibular systems.

5.5. Chemical systems (olfaction and taste).

Topic 6. Motor system.

6.1. Microscopic organitzation and innervation of skeletal muscles.

6.2. Muscular contraction.

6.3. Descending pathways.

6.4. Physiological basis of movement and posture.

Topic 7. Vegetative nervous system.

7.1. General organitzatión and features of the vegetative nervous system.

7.2. General functions of the vegetative nervous system.

7.3. Central control of the vegetative nervous system.



P1 to P3 -  Neuroanatomy

P5 to P6 - Neurohistology


S1, S2 - Seminars of neurohistology

S3 a S6 - Seminars of neuroanatomy

S7 - Seminar of neurophysiology


To achieve the previously described aims and competencies, the following activities will be programmed:

- To complete group of students

- To facilitate participation, students will be divided into two groups. Mandatory. Changes of group forbidden.

- Students will be divided into groups. Mandatory. Changes of group forbidden.

- These will be done through Campus virtual UdL (Sakai) and the plataform for self-evaluation 'innovacampus'.



The final rate will be the sum of evaluation of different parts:

(Please pay attention to the calendar to check the official dates of these two evaluations)

The final rate will the sum of the three parts evaluated (30% Cell&Molecular Neurobiology+30% Neuroanatomy+30% Neurophysiology), but it is mandatory to obtain at least 50% in each part in order to pass.

In case of fail in one or more parts, there is the possibility to do another evaluation of the involved part(s) in July.




Neuroscience, 6th Edition – Purves and colleagues
Fundamental Neuroscience, 4th Edition – Squire and colleagues
The Mind’s Machine: Foundations of Brain and Behavior, 2nd Edition - Watson and Breedlove
Neurobiology: A functional approach - Striedter
Oxford Handbook of Developmental Behavioral Neuroscience – Blumberg and colleagues
Neuroanatomy through clinical cases, 2nd Edition – Blumefeld


The Human Brain. An introduction to its functional anatomy. John Nolte. Mosby

Neuroanatomy. John H. Martin. Elsevier

Principios de Neurociencia. Haines. Elsevier

The human Central Nervous System. Nieuwenhuys. Voogd. Van Huijzen. Springer

Neuroanatomía. Puelles López, Martínez Pérez, Martínez de la Torre

Système Nerveux Encéphalo-Périphérique. André Leblanc. Springer

Neuroanatomy: An atlas of structures, sections, and systems. Haines

Atlas fotográfico de Anatomia Humana. Rohen-Yokochi. Doyma.

A colour atlas of the brain and spinal cord. M.A. England. J. Wakely. Wolfe Publishing Ltd.

Atlas de Neuroanatomía. Frank H. Netter. Novartis



Fisiología. Matthew N. Levy, Bruce A. Stanton, Bruce M. Koeppen.

Fisiología celular del nervio y el músculo. Matthews, Gary G.

Fisiología médica. Ganong, William F.

Medical neurosciences : an approach to anatomy, pathology, and physiology by systems and levels. Barbara F. Westmoreland.


Cellular and Molecular Biology:

Neurobiology. Shepherd, Gordon M.

The neuron: cell and molecular biology. Levitan, Irwin B.

Neuroscience. Dale Purves, George J. Augustine, David Fitzpatrick, William C. Hall, Anthony-Samuel LaMantia, James O. McNamara, and Leonard E. White.

Neurociencia. La exploración del cerebro. Mark F. Bear, Barry W. Connors, Michael A. Paradiso.

Principios de neurociencia. Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, Thomas M. Jessell.

Principios de neurociencia. Aplicaciones básicas y clínicas. Duane E. Haines.