Català Castellano
Academic year 2023-24

Subject's general information
Subject nameNUTRITION
Bachelor's Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics2COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Course number of credits (ECTS)9
Type of activity, credits, and groups
Number of credits0.63.94.5
Number of groups321
CoordinationOMS OLIU, GEMMA
Important information on data processingConsult this link for more information.
Teaching staffE-mail addressesCredits taught by teacherOffice and hour of attention
OMS OLIU, GEMMAgemma.oms@udl.cat8,7
PEREA JOU, MARIA ISABELisabel.perea@udl.cat5,4
Learning objectives

1. Know at the metabolic level the use, modification and elimination of nutrients in the human organism
2. Know the factors that affect the ingestion and the nutritional requirements
3. Know the nutritional requirements of the human being at different stages of life and physiological situations
4. Know the basics of energy metabolism and what are the energy requirements of the human being at the different stages of life and physiological situations
5. Know the different situations of nutritional imbalance, both malnutrition and malnutrition. Know how to identify the etiology of possible nutritional deficits and determine the situations of risk to develop malnutrition
6. Know what are the nutritional requirements and the food recommendations in healthy people
7. Know which are the official organisms, databases and tools that allow obtaining information with a scientific basis in the field of nutrition



Specific Competences
CE25 Know the nutrients, their functions and their metabolic utilization
CE26 Know the bases of energy and nutritional balance and its regulation
CE27 Evaluate and calculate nutritional requirements in health and disease situations at any stage of the life cycle
CE32 Know, detect early and evaluate the quantitative and qualitative deviations of the energy and nutritional balance

General Competences
CG1 Recognize the essential elements of the dietician-nutritionist profession, including ethical principles, legal responsibility and the exercise of the profession, applying the principle of social justice to professional practice and developing it with respect to people, their habits, beliefs and cultures
CG3. Recognize one's own limitations and the need to maintain and update professional competence, giving special importance to learning, autonomously and continuously, new knowledge, products and techniques in nutrition and food, as well as motivation for quality.
CG4. Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with people, health professionals or industry and the media, knowing how to use information and communication technologies, especially those related to nutrition and health. life habits.
CG5. Know, critically assess and know how to use and apply the sources of information related to nutrition, food, lifestyles and health aspects.

Basic Competences
CB2 That the students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competences that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of ​​study.
CB3 That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their study area) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CB4 That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
CB5 That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

Transversal Competences of the UdL
CT1 Have a correct oral and written expression
CT2 Master a foreign language
CT3 Mastering ICT
CT5. Acquire essential notions of scientific thought

Subject contents

Module 1 - Bases of human nutrition
1. Fundamental concepts of nutrition
2. Reference dietary intakes, nutritional goals, food guides and studies of food consumption
3. Regulation and components of the energy balance. Methods to measure energy expenditure. Calculations to measure energy requirements

Module 2 - Macro and micronutrients: metabolism, functions and requirements
4. Physiological and biochemical bases of Nutrition. Regulation of intake and satiety
5. Glucids. Metabolism, functions and requirements. Deficiency and toxicity
6. Dietary fiber. Metabolism, functions and requirements. Deficiency and toxicity
7. Proteins. Metabolism, functions and requirements. Deficiency and toxicity
8. Lipids. Metabolism, functions and requirements. Deficiency and toxicity
9. Water and electrolytes. Functions and requirements. Deficiency and toxicity
10. Water-soluble vitamins. Metabolism, functions and requirements. Deficiency and toxicity
11. Liposoluble vitamins. Metabolism, functions and requirements. Deficiency and toxicity
12. Minerals. Metabolism, functions and requirements. Deficiency and toxicity

Module 3 - Applied Nutrition
13. Nutrition in special physiological situations: gestation, lactation and menopause
14. Nutrition in the various stages of life I: first childhood (0-3 years). Physiological development Nutritional needs. Maternal and artificial lactation. Beikost or complementary feeding
15. Nutrition in various stages of life II: school age and adolescence. Physiological development Nutritional needs
16. Nutrition in various stages of life II: aging. Physiological changes. Nutritional needs


Master classes
These will be done with all the students. They have the purpose of giving an overview of the educational contents related to the specific knowledge of the course, highlighting those aspects that are related to the acquisition of competences, referring to the basic and applied nutrition

The seminars must be carried out in the group that corresponds to each student. They will consist of solving cases of practical cases, searching for information, analysis and discussion, complementing the contents developed in the master classes. The participation and discussion of the students will be stimulated.

These will be done in groups of 5-10 students and must be done in the assigned group. It will aim to guide learning avoiding dispersal, clarifying doubts and establishing a conceptual diagram of the course.

Activities in the computer room
There will be a computer session, in groups of 15-20 students, for the acquisition of knowledge about the use of nutrition databases that will facilitate the search of information.

Laboratory practices
Laboratory practices are mandatory, will be carried out in groups of 3-4 students. 

It is MANDATORY that students bring to the practices:
• UdL labcoat
It can be purchased at the ÚDELS Store of the UdL
Centre de Cultures i Cooperació Transfronterera – Campus Cappont
Carrer de Jaume II, 67 baixos
25001 Lleida

Directed works

A directed work will be carried out, in groups of 2-3 students. The work will be done on a topic that will previously be chosen from a list provided by the teacher. Each group will submit a written document and will make a brief oral presentation. The sudents have to attend the tutorials corresponding to the follow up.



Development plan




Master class


Acquisition of the knowledge about human nutrition and applied nutrition in healthy individuals, nutritional value of foods



Exhibition, treatment and discussion of problems related to nutrition



Guide the learning by clarifying doubts about the content of the course

Activities in the computer room



Use of databases

Laboratory practices


Absorption and nutrition metabolism

Directed works

3, 7

Search for information on a topic of interest in human nutrition.


The assessment will consist of the weighted average of 5 grades, obtained from the following modules:

BLOCK 1: Exams (50%)

There will be 2 partial exams of the theoretical part, with multiple choice and short-answer questions.
• Exam I: 25%
• Exam II: 25%
The average of the qualifications of the exams I, II and III must be higher than 5 to do the average with the rest of qualifications. If the student doesn't pass the exams  (<5), the person has to retake the failed exams in a second call. On the other hand, the student may raise the grade by retaking the exams in the second call. This type of assessment will represent 50% of the final mark and will have to be overcome to do the average with the rest of activities, seminars, practices and work.

BLOCK 2: Activities proposed in seminars (30%)
The mark will be calculated based on the arithmetic average obtained from the qualifications obtained by the student in the different activities.

BLOCK 3: Course work (10%)
A group work will be evaluated. The topic and the guidelines will be facilitated by the teacher. The mark of the work will correspond to the evaluation of the report presented by the group and the oral presentation of the work.

BLOCK 4: Practices (10%)
They will be carried out in groups. The active participation in the sessions and the delivery of a small group report will be valued.

If someone takes the alternative assessment, this will consist of 2 exams on the dates established by the center, which will weigh 80% of the overall grade of the subject, as well as the delivery of the course work (10% ) and the implementation of the practices (10%).


- Mataix, J. Nutrición y alimentación humana. I. Nutrientes y Alimentos. Ed. Ergon, Madrid, 2002
- Mataix, J. Nutrición y alimentación humana. II. Situaciones fisiológicas y patológicas. Ed. Ergon, Madrid. 2002.
- Gil, A. Tratado de nutrición. Tomo I. Bases Fisiológicas y Bioquímicas de la Nutrición. Ed. Medica Panamericana. 2ª Edición. 2010.
- Gil, A. Tratado de nutrición. Tomo III. Nutrición Humana en el Estado de Salud. Ed. Medica Panamericana. 2ª Edición. 2010.
- Gil Hernández, A.;  Ruíz-López, M.D.; Martínez de Victoria Muñoz, E. Nutrición y Salud. Editorial Médica Panamericana, Madrid, 2018
- Moreiras O., Carbajal, A., Cabrera L., Cuadrado, C. Tablas de Composición de Alimentos. Guía de prácticas. Ediciones Pirámide. 16º Edición. 2013
- Brown, J.E. Nutrición en las diferentes etapas de la vida. Ed. McGraw-Hill, S.A.. 2006.
- Cervera, P., Clapés, J., Rigolfas, R. Alimentación y Dietoterapia (Nutrición Aplicada en la salud y la enfermedad). E. McGraw-Hill-Interamericana de España. 2004
- Hernández Rodríguez, M. i Sastre Gallego, A. Tratado de nutrición. Ed. Díaz de Santos, S.A., Madrid. 1999.
- Serra Majem, Ll.;  Aranceta Bartrina, J. Nutrición y salud pública. Ed. Masson (Elsevier), Barcelona. 2006.
- Salas-Salvadó, J.; Bonada i Sanjaume, A.; Trallero Casañas, R.; Saló i Solà, M. E.; Burgos Peláez, R. Nutrició y Dietética Clínica. 4rta Edición. Elsevier, Madrid, 2019
