Català Castellano
Academic year 2023-24

Subject's general information
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine5OPTIONALAttendance-based
Course number of credits (ECTS)3
Type of activity, credits, and groups
Number of credits0.511.5
Number of groups221
Teaching load distribution between lectures and independent student work30 face-to-face hours
45 non-face-to-face hours
Important information on data processingConsult this link for more information.
Language spanish/català
Distribution of credits1.5 theoretical credits
1.5 practical credits.
Teaching staffE-mail addressesCredits taught by teacherOffice and hour of attention
PEREZ PEREZ, ROSA MARIArosamaria.perez@udl.cat4,5
Subject's extra information

The doctor of the future needs a comprehensive teaching of the profession. Unite the scientific with the technical, without forgetting ethics and medical professionalism, all in search of the best patient care. which, as Montori (2020) says, requires careful and gentle attention in the face of industrialized medicine. Consider the patient as a biographical entity and not just biological.

Comprehensive training is one of the fundamental pillars of the preparation of university students and especially when it comes to the training of doctors, professionals responsible for health care and the lives of human beings, a fact that implies a greater responsibility towards society. A changing and increasingly demanding society in terms of health and well-being; at the same time more and more informed and sometimes more educated.

In the same way, Wojtczak affirms that '... medicine is a moral task, a profession whose members share a series of valid principles from the beginning of their activities, such as respect for others, empathy, compassion, honesty , integrity, allegiance and professional excellence', and emphasizes the fact that these principles constitute the 'roots of medical professionalism and the bases of the collective contract with society, which has traditionally made medicine something different of other professions or occupations'

Medical ethics is the set of rules that guide the correct conduct of good medical work.

There is a need to incorporate those essential principles of the medical profession that appear in the Code of Medical Ethics into the learning of the Medicine degree.

Incorporate and transmit to our students the essence of medical professionalism.

Learning objectives

The objectives of the subject of Medical Ethics:

General objective:

Know and apply the set of rules of correct conduct that must be observed in the exercise of the medical profession. In their relationship with patients, society or with other medical professionals or from other health branches.

Secondary objectives:

- Know the main objectives of the exercise of the medical profession.

- Delve into the medical need to ensure the quality and efficiency of professional practice.

- Promote knowledge of the situation of the medical profession from the social and technical progress aspects.

- Incorporate the duties of the medical profession.

- Relate the medical profession to human and patient rights.

- Understand and assess medical practice from a comprehensive perspective, regardless of the type of exercise and the situation.



Basic skills

1. Students will apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and will acquire the skills that they will demonstrate through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of ​​study.

CE32. Know the legal foundations of the exercise of the medical profession.

CE44. Apply the professional values ​​of excellence, altruism, sense of duty, responsibility, integrity and honesty to the exercise of the profession

CE45. Recognize the need to maintain professional competence

2. That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical (ethical) nature.

CE41. Know the basics of medical ethics

CE46. Knowing how to approach professional practice respecting the autonomy of the patient, their beliefs and culture

CE 62 Know, critically assess and know how to use the technologies and sources of clinical and biomedical information to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate clinical, scientific and health information.

3. That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both a specialized and non-specialized public.

CG 23. Communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with patients, family members, the media and other professionals.

CG 24. Establish good interpersonal communication that enables patients, family members, the media and other professionals to be addressed with efficiency and empathy.

CG 25. Recognize the determinants of health in the population, both genetic and those dependent on lifestyle, demographic, environmental, social, economic, psychological and cultural.

CG 26. Assume their role in the actions of prevention and protection against diseases, injuries or accidents and maintenance and promotion of health, both at individual and community level.

CG 27. Recognize their role in multiprofessional teams, assuming leadership when appropriate, both for the provision of health care and in interventions for health promotion.

4. That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

CG 33. Have, in professional activity, a critical and creative point of view, with constructive skepticism and research-oriented.

CG 34. Understand the importance and limitations of scientific thought in the study, prevention and management of diseases.

CG 35. Being able to formulate hypotheses, collect and critically assess information for problem solving, following the scientific method.

CG 36. Acquire basic training for research activity.

1. Correction in written oral expression

2. Command of a foreign language.

3. Domain of ICT.

4. Respect for the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, the promotion of Human Rights and the values ​​of a culture of peace and democratic values.


CG1. Recognize the essential elements of the medical profession, including ethical principles and legal responsibilities.

CG 2. Understand the importance of such principles for the benefit of the patient, society and the profession, with special attention to professional secrecy.

CG 3. Know how to apply the principle of social justice to professional practice.

CG 4. Develop professional practice with respect for the patient's autonomy, their beliefs and culture.

CG 5. Recognize their own limitations and the need to maintain and update their professional competence, giving special importance to autonomous learning of new knowledge and techniques and motivation for quality.

CG 6. Develop professional practice with respect to other health professionals.

CG 23. Communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with patients, family members, the media and other professionals.

CG 24. Establish good interpersonal communication that enables patients, family members, the media and other professionals to be addressed with efficiency and empathy.


CE 32. Know the legal and ethical foundations of the exercise of the medical profession. Know the ethical foundations of the exercise of the medical profession.

medical professionalism. Values ​​of the medical profession

Subject contents

Subject contents:

1.- Medical Ethics. Introduction, concept and application to professional medical practice.

2.- Medical professionalism.

3.- Medical ethics and the world of law.

4.- Doctor-patient relationship: values ​​of the medical profession. Changes in the medical profession.

5.- Practical humanization of health care.

6.- Physician and patient from a gender perspective.

7.- The doctor-doctor or doctor-health relationship in the healthcare context.

8.- The self-regulation of the medical profession through organizations.

9.- Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC). Medical Colleges. Structure and functions.

10.- Code of Ethics of Catalonia. Code of Medical Ethics. Medical Ethics Guide.


The methodological axes of the subject are:

- Theoretical master class:

Contents of medical ethics, medical professionalism and collegiate organization. Ethics Commissions.

-Practical seminars:

Topics related to medical ethics and professionalism will be discussed:

- Working groups to debate and clarify complex deontological situations both doctor-doctor, doctor-patient or doctor-organization. The resolution of these cases will be reflected in a work that will be evaluated.

- Individual student work as the reading and analysis of a book related to medical ethics/medical professionalism will be incorporated




Development plan

The course development plan during the 2022-2023 academic year will be:

Master classes: 1-10 The master class will be held according to the schedule established for the subject.

Seminars:  8  seminars of 2 hours each will be held and group work will be carried out (smaller work groups may be made in the large group). Each group will deal with a topic of ethical interest / comments on cases / resolution of ethical conflict situations. If you will make an oral presentation / shared discussion with the rest of the group.




* Theoretical 50% ---------- Written part, Theoretical exam of the content of the subject.

* Practical seminars 30% ------- Attitude, participation and active contribution during the seminars and the work derived from them.

* Active participation solving cases or analyzing recommended book: 20% compulsory activity

- The evaluation of the written part, theoretical exam, will be carried out on 10 points and a score of "5" will be necessary to be able to weight with the rest of the scores.

- The attitude and active participation during the seminars and practices and the participation of the student in the tasks that may be entrusted to him can also favor an improvement of the evaluation.



- Codigo de Deontologia Médica Guía de Ética Médica. OMC. 2015

- Codi de Deontologia. Consell de Col·legis de Metges de Catalunya. 2022

- Manual de la Relación Médico- Paciente. OMC. 2019.

- Millán Nuñez-Cortés,J. Del Llano señarís, J.E. (2012). Ser médico. Los valoires de una profesión. Ed. Unión Editorial.

- El buen quehacer médico. OMC. 3ª ed. 2018.