Català Castellano
Academic year 2023-24

Subject's general information
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine5COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Course number of credits (ECTS)6
Type of activity, credits, and groups
Number of credits1.20.84
Number of groups1041
Important information on data processingConsult this link for more information.
Teaching staffE-mail addressesCredits taught by teacherOffice and hour of attention
BOQUET ESTRUCH, DOLORSdolors.boquet@udl.cat2
GOMEZ RIBELLES, ANTONIO JOSEantonio.gomez@udl.cat1,57
ORAN ESPUYS, JESUS MARIAjesusmaria.oran@udl.cat4,97
PORCEL PEREZ, JOSE MANUELjosemanuel.porcel@udl.cat1,85
PRATS GISPERT, LAURAlaura.prats@udl.cat1,83
SALO CUENCA, JOSE CARLOSjosecarlos.salo@udl.cat2,5
SEBASTIA VIGATA, ESTERester.sebastia@udl.cat2,93
Subject's extra information

1. Introduction to the subject and contextualisation within teaching Autoimmune and locomotor system diseases" is a subject taught during the first four-month period of the fifth year.

This subject provides students with the foundations and knowledge to understand, diagnose and plan the treatment of diseases of the locomotor system (both those with a fundamentally medical treatment and those with a fundamentally surgical treatment) and the main systemic autoimmune diseases that can affect, among others, these organs and systems. Aspects of pathological anatomy and rehabilitation related to the aforementioned diseases are also covered. The subject is made up of two large blocks of content that have been conceived and designed in a coordinated manner and are as follows:

I. Rheumatological and systemic autoimmune diseases.

II. Traumatology, pathological anatomy and rehabilitation of the locomotor apparatus.

At the same time, these are divided into a total of 3 sub-blocks, called

Block I: Rheumatological and systemic autoimmune diseases,

Block II: Traumatology and pathological anatomy of the locomotor apparatus

and Block III: Rehabilitation of the locomotor apparatus.

The subject is structured in 60 classroom hours, which correspond to 48 hours of lectures in large groups, and 6 seminars (3 of them of 3 hours) in smaller groups (1/3 of the total number of students enrolled). It is estimated that the student will dedicate 100 hours to the course. All single-group classes and seminars (3 groups) are 1 hour long, except for the Traumatology seminars, which are 3 hours long. The timetable for the presentation and discussion of the different topics in the classes and seminars deals in a time-coordinated manner with aspects related to each other, but which, in medical practice, are the subject of different specialities (Rheumatology, Internal Medicine, Pathological Anatomy, Traumatology and Rehabilitation) and often require a multidisciplinary approach. For example, rehabilitation of rheumatological and traumatological pathology, etc. The teaching methodology is aimed at the development of student learning through classical theoretical or master classes and small group seminars with the active participation of the student. In addition, the preparation of some assignments may be assessed. Presentations, where appropriate, will be supported by iconography (slides and transparencies) and computer presentations (projector).

Learning objectives

The learning objectives are related to the competences of the subject.

1. Acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge of the main autoimmune and locomotor system diseases.

2. Diagnose and know how to treat the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system that are the reason for consultation in primary care.

3. Recognise the symptoms and signs of multisystem autoimmune diseases and diseases of the locomotor system.

4. Establish the indication and perform the interpretation of the most commonly used diagnostic tests in the field of rheumatology and traumatology, including anatomopathological examination.

5. Know the treatments used by specialists for the treatment of multisystemic autoimmune diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system

6. Know the resources and indications for the rehabilitation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Competences Included in the BOE 15 February 2008, Ministerial Order ECI / 332/2008 92)

- Recognise, diagnose and guide the management of the main pathologies of the locomotor system.

- 99) Recognise, diagnose and orientate the management of the main pathologies of the immune system. -

126) Pathological anatomy of the different apparatuses and systems -

139) Pharmacology of the different apparatuses and systems -

140) Analgesic, antineoplastic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs -

150) To know the fundamentals of rehabilitation, promotion of personal autonomy, functional adaptation of the / to the environment, and other physical procedures in morbidity, for the improvement of the quality of life.

Subject contents

Continguts C30. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (I) C31. Systemic lupus erythematosus (II) C32. Antiphospholipid syndrome C33. Scleroderma C34. Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies Sjögren's syndrome. Vasculitis - general C36. Large and medium vessel vasculitis C37. Small vessel vasculitis C26. Rheumatoid arthritis (I) C27. Rheumatoid arthritis (II) C41b. Other systemic diseases C41c. Fibromyalgia C28. Spondyloarthropathies (I) C29. Spondyloarthropaties (II) C38. Arthritis microcrystal-lines C39. Infectious arthritis C40. Degenerative joint diseases: osteoarthritis C41a. Metabolic diseases: osteoporosis and Paget's disease EXAM 1st BLOCK

C43. Osseous developmental diseases C44. Vascular osseous pathology. Aseptic osteonecrosis. C45. Infections of the locomotor system: bones and joints C46. Primary and metastatic tumours of the locomotor system Sem 18. Joint infections Sem 19. Biomechanics and traumatic pathology of the spine Sem 20. Osteosynthesis: principles and complications C47. Entrapment and nerve compression syndromes. Compartment syndrome C48. Pathological fractures C49. Joint traumas Sem 18. Joint infections Sem 19. Biomechanics and traumatic pathology of the spine Sem 20. Osteosynthesis: principles and complications C50. Fractures in children C51. Pathology of the spine region in adults and children C52. Traumatic pathology of the shoulder girdle and the humerus C53. Pathology of the tail in adults Sem 18. Infeccions articulars Sem 19. Biomechanics and traumatic pathology of the spine Sem 20. Osteosynthesis: principles and complications C54. Fractures and dislocations of the hip and forearm C55. Pathology of the neck and spine Sem 21. Pathological anatomy of soft tissue tumours C56. Fractures and dislocations of the carp, metacarp and fingers Sem 21. Pathological anatomy of tumours of the soft parts of the body C57.Pathology of malocclusion in children C58. Pathology of malignant tumours in adults Sem 21. Pathological anatomy of soft tissue tumours C59. Traumatic pathology of the pelvis Sem 21. Pathological anatomy of the tumours of the pelvis C60.Traumatic pathology of the femur C61. Pathology of the genol C62. Fractures and dislocations of the kneecap C63.Ligament and meniscal lesions of the genoll. Dislocation of the genoll C64. Fractures of the tibia C65. Foot pathology C66.Traumatic pathology of the turmil and foot C67.Congenital and traumatic pathology of the spine C68.Pathology of the spinal axes C69.Degenerative pathology of the spine Sem 22. Rehabilitation of polytraumatism and joint stiffness C70. Pathological anatomy of osseous tumours

Sem 22. Rehabilitation of polytraumatism and articular stiffness Sem 23. Rehabilitation in arthroplasties and lower extremity amputations C71. Rehabilitation of spinal injuries, idiopathic scoliosis and orthopaedic technical aids. Sem 23. Rehabilitation in arthroplasties and lower extremity amputation Sem 22. Rehabilitation of polytraumatism and joint stiffness C72. Rehabilitation in rheumatologic pathology (RA and ankylosing spondylitis). Sem 22. Rehabilitation of polytraumatisme and joint stiffness Sem 23. Rehabilitation in arthroplasties and lower limb amputation Sem 23. Rehabilitation in arthroplasty and lower extremity amputation


RECOVERY EXAMINATION (The 2 blocks together)


5. Assessment of learning: 5.1.- Exams (3 exams):

* 1st exam: BLOCK I: -Multiple-choice test: - 40 questions (20 questions on rheumatology and 20 questions on systemic diseases). - 4 possible answer options. - Only 1 correct answer option. - Time: 1 minute per question. - Wrong answers will deduct 0.25 points.

* 2nd exam: BLOCK II and III: - Multiple-choice test. - 100 questions (85 on traumatology, 5 on pathological anatomy and 10 on rehabilitation). - 4 possible answer options. - Only 1 correct answer option. - Time: 1 minute per question. - Wrong answers will be deducted 0.25 points.

* Make-up examination: BLOCK I, BLOCK II or both at the same time.

-BLOCK I: 20 short written questions (10 on rheumatology and 10 on systemic diseases). 2 minutes per question.

-Blogs II and III (Trauma, RHB and AP): Oral examination. An exam will not be passed if at least one mark of 5 or more is not obtained from each sub-block, easily identifiable in each exam (I and II).

The final mark for the course will be an average of the marks obtained in the two exams (40% for block I and 60% for BLOCK II and III).

The marks of the sub-blocks contained in the 2 exams can be recovered in the June-July exam, either jointly (if the exams of all the sub-blocks have been failed), or independently (only taking the sub-blocks with failed exams with less than 5).

In this make-up exam there will be no average between the blocks, so if you fail a block you will fail the whole course.

5.2.- Continuous assessment (attendance to seminars and the completion of some work on the subject will be assessed in order to round up the final grade):

5.2.1. Attendance at scheduled activities: At the beginning of the course, the minimum attendance required will be detailed.

- Traumatology: attendance at seminars (II). - Pathological anatomy: attendance at seminars(II). - Rehabilitation: attendance at seminars (III). 5.2.2. Completion of a paper (optional):

Continuous assessment activities, by definition, are not recoverable. Therefore, the marks obtained in these activities during the course cannot be modified.

The grade resulting from the continuous assessment will only be taken into account if all the exams of the sub-blocks are passed with a 5 or more.

Even if the final mark for the subject is ≥ 5, it will not be considered a pass overall if it has not been passed independently of each sub-block exam with a 5 or more.

Nor will it be considered passed overall with a "Not Presented" in any of the blocks. In order to pass the course, the final mark must be ≥ 5. 5.3.- Assessment dates: 1st exam: h 2nd exam: h Make-up exam: h Grading scale:


FAIL 5.00-6.99:

PASS 7.00-8.99:

B 9.00-10.99: EXCELLENT


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