Català Castellano
Academic year 2023-24

Subject's general information
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing3COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Double bachelor's degree: Degree in Nursing and Degree in Physiotherapy4COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Course number of credits (ECTS)12
Type of activity, credits, and groups
Activity typePRACLIN
Number of credits4.8
Number of groups1
Important information on data processingConsult this link for more information.
Language Catalan and Spanish
Distribution of credits 12 ECTS
Teaching staffE-mail addressesCredits taught by teacherOffice and hour of attention
BALLESTE TORRALBA, JORDIjordi.balleste@udl.cat0
BAÑERES ARGILES, CECILIAcecilia.baneres@udl.cat0
BERGE GIMENEZ, AUREAaurea.berge@udl.cat2,7
BOTELLERO TENA, JESSICAjessica.botellero@udl.cat0
CACERES BECERRA, MANUEL MARIANOmanuel.caceres@udl.cat0
CALDERO SOLE, MIQUEL ANGELmiquelangel.caldero@udl.cat0
CASTRO NAVAL, ELENAelena.castro@udl.cat0
CAUBET DE ARCO, SILVIAsilvia.caubet@udl.cat0
COSTA MENEN, MARIA ANGELESangeles.costa@udl.cat4,5
DALMAU TEIXIDO, M. ANTONIAmarian.dalmau@udl.cat0
FARRE OLIVA, DOMENECdomenec.farre@udl.cat0
FARRE PAGES, NURIAnuria.farrepages@udl.cat9
FAURIA GARCIA, YOLANDAyolanda.fauria@udl.cat9
FERRER GIL, MARÍAmaria.ferrer@udl.cat0
FOLGUERA ARNAU, MARIA MERCEmerce.folguera@udl.cat0
GAMERO DIAZ, MARIA DEL MARmar.gamero@udl.cat0
GARCIA CUADRAT, ESTHER MARIAesther.garciacuadrat@udl.cat0
GARCIA SOLANES, EDITHedith.garcia@udl.cat0
GIMENO PI, IRAIDAiraida.gimeno@udl.cat0
GROS NAVES, SILVIAsilvia.gros@udl.cat0
GÓMEZ LIGUERRE, MONTSERRATmgomezlig@gmail.com0
LAVERNIA PRADES, MARIA JOSEFAmariajose.lavernia@udl.cat0
LEMUS VALERO, MARIA JOSEmariajose.lemus@udl.cat0
LORIENTE BARDAJI, BLANCAblanca.loriente@udl.cat0
MANUEL MARTI, BLANCAblanca.manuel@udl.cat0
MARCO MITJAVILA, ANNAannamarco18@gmail.com0
PIÑOL RABINAT, MARTAmarta.pinol@udl.cat0
PLAZA AGUILÁ, SEBASTIÁNsplaza@alumnes.udl.es0
RODA VELA, ROSA MARIArosamaria.roda@udl.cat0
ROURE TORNÉ, MARIONAmariona.roure@udl.cat8
SEGURA MINGUELLA, ANNAanna.segura@udl.cat0
SETÓ GORT, ELOISAeloisa.seto@udl.cat0
SICART LONCAN, SILVIAsilvia.sicart@udl.cat0
TEIXINE MARTIN, ANNAanna.teixine@udl.cat0
TELLA ALDOMÀ, ÀUREAaurea.tella@udl.cat1
TORMO GASA, SILVIAsilvia.tormo@udl.cat9
TORRES PIFARRE, MARIA MAGDALENAmagdalena.torres@udl.cat0
Subject's extra information

(The information on this subject has been automatically translated from the Catalan language that will always be the reference guide for any question. Contact the subject coordination for any clarification)

Clinical Practices are pre-professional practices, in the form of an independent clinical rotatory and with a final evaluation of competences, in Primary Care Centers, hospitals and other healthcare centers that allow the independent development of nursing students and a progressive learning. Gradually through the different courses.
The subjects linked to the Clinical Practices are compulsory. They are divided into 7 subjects with different credits depending on the course, presenting themselves in a growing manner; In other words, in the first year there is a single subject of 6 ECTS, a second one of 12, a third two subjects of 12 and a fourth, three subjects, two of 12 ECTS and one of 15.
These subjects focus on the attention of the person throughout their life cycle and in the various healthcare contexts: hospital, community, social health, residential and other more specific, such as mental health. Its purpose is the development, in real context, of nursing care in activities of prevention, promotion, treatment or accompaniment of healthy or sick people, groups of people or society.
The contents of the practices relate to the course and the expected level of competence of the student. The first course aims to discover the health context and be a first contact with the healthcare context, the second ones are located in basic hospital units and aim to train the student in basic nursing techniques, those of a third party This course implies a reinforcement of the second-course practices on one side and the care given to the pregnant woman, the child and the elderly is introduced, and in the fourth course different itineraries are proposed so that the students know the specialized units and the 'attention to the community among others
The teaching methodology has two basic axes: preparation activities (theoretical classes, seminars on subjects with a clear implication in the person's attention) and welfare practices that require prior preparation in a clinical context with practical classes on nursing techniques . In the welfare practices, as well as in the previous hours of clinical preparation, the direct attention is made to the person, collaboration with the welfare teams, work of clinical cases in the welfare center or tutorials, plus the personal work Basically associated to the elaboration of the reports or reports of practices.
The evaluation system consists of three evidences: 1, evaluation of pre-clinical preparation activities; 2, elaboration by the students of the reports or reports of clinical practice, and 3, competence assessment process in the specific context of the practices by the responsible professional of the student. For clinical practices, different instruments have been developed that allow the objective assessment of the evidence and the specific competence according to the expected level (see evaluation system).
The teaching center develops the management of clinical practices through the coordinators, who work in conjunction with the associated clinical professors. The latter are professors-tutors of clinical practice whose function is the direct monitoring of the clinical learning of students while serving as a union between theoretical teaching and welfare practice. This teaching staff meets the optimal conditions for this subject, paying special attention to their specialization, the technical and theoretical knowledge required and a great knowledge of the healthcare environment.
General regulations and important information for the student of the Grade Practicum:
From the coordination of the practicum it is reported that all students must be vaccinated with the basic vaccines (among which you will have to count, COVID, hepatitis and tetanus) before beginning the clinical practice periods. If you are not up-to-date with vaccinations, contact your Primary Care center to proceed to the first-vaccinations or re-vaccinations according to the case. In the event that a student is not vaccinated, they must assume the measures that the centers require to carry out the practices in their facilities, the FIF will not be able to exempt the student from these measures or ensure the performance of the practices, therefore, where appropriate, it is necessary for the student to consult with the coordination of the subject before enrolling.

Information on the transmission and recording of personal data of teachers and students at the University of Lleida as a result of teaching at UdL facilities and at a distance
The University of Lleida informs that, depending on the changes it is obliged to make in accordance with the instructions of the health authorities, the provisions for mobility or the quality assurance of teaching, it may transmit, record and use the image, voice or, where appropriate, the physical environment chosen by the teachers and students, with the aim of teaching in UdL facilities or at a distance.
In turn, it encourages those affected to choose the spaces that have the least impact on their privacy in the case of distance teaching. And, in general, it is recommended to preferably opt for interactions in the chat room or without activating the camera, when no teaching activities are being carried out which, due to their characteristics, require oral or visual interaction.
The University of Lleida (UdL) is responsible for the recording and use of this personal data (data from
Representative's contact: General Secretariat. Plaça de Víctor Siurana, 1, 25003 Lleida; ; details
contact of the data protection delegate: ).
These personal data will be used exclusively for the purposes inherent to the teaching of the subject. In particular, the recording fulfils the following functions

To offer the possibility of accessing the contents online and, where appropriate, asynchronous training.
To guarantee access to the content to students who, for technological, personal or health reasons, among others, have not been able to participate.
To provide study material for the preparation of the assessment.
It is absolutely forbidden to use the data transmitted and the recordings for other purposes, or in areas outside the Virtual Campus, where they will remain stored, in accordance with the intellectual and industrial property policy of all the content included on websites owned by the UdL.
If there are any, the recordings will be kept for the time decided by the teacher of the subject, in accordance with strictly academic criteria, and, at most, must be removed at the end of the current academic year, under the terms and conditions set out in the regulations on the conservation and removal of UdL administrative documents and the documentary evaluation tables approved by the Generalitat de Catalunya ( ).

This personal data is essential for teaching the subject, and the definition of teaching procedures, particularly for distance learning, is a power of the UdL in the framework of its right to university autonomy, as provided in articles 1.1 and 33.1 of Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on universities. For this reason, the UdL does not need the consent of the people affected by transmitting or recording their voice, image and, where appropriate, the physical environment they have chosen, for this exclusive purpose, to teach the subject.
The UdL will not pass on the data to third parties, except in the cases strictly provided for by law. Data subjects may access their data; request its rectification, deletion or transfer; object to its processing and request its limitation, provided that it is compatible with the purpose of the teaching, by writing to . 

They may also submit a complaint to the Catalan Data Protection Authority through the Authority's electronic headquarters ( ) or by non-electronic means.

It is MANDATORY for students to wear during their internships:
- White sanitary set UdL 
It can be purchased in the Udels shop of the UdL;
Centre for Cultures and Cross-Border Cooperation - Campus Cappont 
Calle de Jaume II, 67 bajos 
25001 Lleida 
For further information, please consult the product sheets: - FORMATIVE PLAN - INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 
For other protective equipment (e.g. gloves, respirators, etc ... will depend on the type of practice to be performed. In this case, the responsible teacher will inform if it is necessary to use these specific PPE. Not wearing the PPE described or not complying with the general safety standards detailed below will result in the student not being able to access the laboratories or having to leave them. 

- To keep the place of accomplishment of the practices clean and orderly.
- The work table should be free of backpacks, folders, coats ... 
- Wear closed and covered footwear during the practices. 
- To take the long hair always gathered. 
- Do not wear bracelets, pendants or wide sleeves that can be trapped by equipment, assemblies ... 
- Do not eat or drink inside the laboratory.
- Wash your hands whenever you come into contact with any chemical product and before leaving the laboratory. 
- Follow the teacher's instructions and ask any questions about safety.

Learning objectives

The main objective of the third year internship is that the student strengthens the skills acquired in the first and second years and carries out his first specialized practicum (health of women and children and care for the elderly).

Its role is to observe and evaluate, diagnose and develop care plans adapted to the healthy or sick person, implementing theoretical knowledge, applying it to care, providing the necessary nursing care and skills acquired in the classrooms of first, second and third course abilities.

Learning outcomes:



CB2- Apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and problem solving within their area of ​​study.

CB3- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

CB4- Being able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized public.



CE5- Use of medicines, evaluating the expected benefits and the associated risks and / or effects derived from their administration and consumption

CE12- Establish an empathetic and respectful relationship with the patient and family, according to the person's situation, health problem and stage of development.

CE13- Use strategies and skills that allow effective communication with patients, families and social groups, as well as the expression of their concerns and interests.

CE14- Recognize life-threatening situations and know how to execute basic and advanced life support maneuvers.

CE18- Apply the nursing process to provide and guarantee the welfare, quality and safety of the people served.

CE20- Direct, evaluate and provide comprehensive nursing care to the individual, family and community.

CE23- Promote the participation of people, family and groups in their health-disease process.

CE28- Educate, facilitate and support the health and well-being of the members of the community, the lives of those affected by health problems, risk, suffering, illness, disability or death.

CE32- Carry out nursing care techniques and procedures, establishing a therapeutic relationship with patients and relatives.

CE34- Have a cooperative attitude with the different members of the team.

CE52- Provide care, guaranteeing the right to dignity, privacy, privacy, confidentiality and decision-making capacity of the patient and family.

CE53- Individualize care considering age, gender, cultural differences, ethnic group, beliefs and values.



CT4- Acquire basic knowledge of entrepreneurship and professional environments



CG1- Ability to adapt to new situations

Subject contents

Master classes and simulation seminars:

Clinical practices:

The student, in order to be able to do the practices, must obtain a qualification that is apt for the skill classrooms, in this way demonstrates that he has learned and assimilated the knowledge and skills of basic procedures and cares for being able to -to carry them out to clinical practices.

In this course each student will perform 4 periods of internships that are distributed in PCIII and PCIV subjects in the following services or units:



For the correct development of the subject the following teaching methodologies will be carried out:

Given the uncertain situation that the social distancing measures established by the health authorities do not allow the development of some teaching activity in the classroom for all enrolled students, a mixed teaching modality will be adopted that combines this classroom teaching with distance teaching. In the same way, tutoring may be replaced by remote tutoring using telematic means.


In relation to the justification of absences, the reasons for which the absence is considered to be justified will be the same as those set out in point 3.1 of the Regulations for the assessment and qualification of teaching in the degrees and masters at the UdL for not attending the assessment tests or practical scheduled in the teaching guide or on the website of the degree. 

For other situations arising from health, personal or family problems, students will be allowed to change the day and make up the seminar/practice  during the week, if possible, and always whitin the period, bearing in mind that it is not possible to double up in all those services that offer another type of recovery.

Requests for justification of absences that involve failure to attend an assessment test or day of practice must be submitted on the same day of the absence. The justification for other absences must be presented at the latest within the following 10 days.

In general, students will only be excused for absence, but not for failure to fulfil their academic commitments.

All changes or recoveries will have to be accepted by the unit tutor, the subject coordinator and registered in the virtual campus before the practice is carried out.

Failure to comply with these requirements may be considered a serious offence that may lead to the suspension of the internship period.

Development plan

Training activities
Seminars and Skill Classrooms

The theoretical-practical seminars will be carried out depending on the calendar drawn up for this purpose and that will be made known to the students at the beginning of the course.
Practical activities / classrooms is a type of training where, through the immersive simulation methodology, the student practices, prior to going to the healthcare services, the skills necessary to develop skills to care for healthy and sick people.
All classes in the classroom of skills are compulsory and the student will not be able to initiate the clinical practices without having reached the minimum level in each one of the classrooms.
The Practicum coordinators will establish the forms of recuperation, in the event that the student has not been able to take a class for justified reasons.

Changes are allowed with justification and 1 to 1 with another student of the same service and prior authorization of the coordination of the subject, otherwise it will be considered a serious offense.

The period of internships
Clinical Practices: Once the student has passed the theoretical and pre-clinical part, they will do the programmed practices that will last 8 hours a day, in the morning from 7:30 to 15:30, and in the afternoon from 14:30 to 22 : 30 or night if applicable. In cases of centers or services with different schedules, the student must adapt to the center's schedule, always ensuring the minimum duration of 8 hours per day). The students will be governed by the festive calendar of the town in question. This organization can only be changed for justified reasons (medical or academic) and with prior authorization from the coordinator and registratio nat least 48 hours in advance.
Clinical practical credits are carried out through a student-centered learning methodology, leading this one to their own learning, and giving them the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to develop a practice Optimal professional, while encouraging his reflection and self-criticism
It should be taken into account that the student will always be accompanied by a professional nurse in all the healthcare activities required by the patient (care, controls, preparation and administration of medication, techniques, information, education, etc.) or by delegation accompanied by a nursing assistant in tasks such as hygiene and patient bed; activities that the student will perform with a professional nurse or accompanied by a nursing assistant.

The assignment, in general, will be made by the coordination of the subject and following the mobility guidelines and assignment of places of practices of the FIF.

Students must follow the regulations of the internship center and the UDL in relation to COVID19 or other possible outbreaks of communicable diseases.

Diary of internships
Written work where the student compiles different documents and evidences that he elaborates during the clinical practices, in order to demonstrate his path and development of competences (ex: thoughtful newspaper, development of an issue of interest, assessment of a patient's nurse )


FIRST EVALUATION EVALUATION: Note of the classrooms of abilities (15%)

The attitude and the aptitude will be taken into account as well as the note of the evaluation test that will be carried out in each subject through the corresponding heading. You must pass this section with a minimum of 5 marks.

The absence in the theoretical or practical classes supposes a penalty of 0.5, by absence, to the final note of the A / H.


The attitudes and abilities of the student will be evaluated by observing and using a specific heading:

Average of the final mark of the periods (80% of the note is the welfare part and the remaining 20% ​​the  is the reflective diary)
The attendance to practices is mandatory and therefore ALL ABSENCES ARE RECOVERABLE AND TO BE JUSTIFIED, it is essential to complete 100% of the scheduled hours and to comply with the regulations of practices established by the University.

If a student does not remove a 5 practice note in any period, he will not do the job and the whole period will be suspended.

Any evidence that has a plagiarism percentage higher than 50% or that is submitted after the deadline will not be corrected and will be graded directly with a 0. Evidence between 20% and 49% plagiarism will be analyzed individually.

The student must approve each of the parts of the assessment separately and practice periods in order to be able to ponder and pass the subject.

Qualification: The maximum qualification of the subject is REGISTRATION OF HONOR, except in mobility that will be EXCELLENT.

Mobility: Official mobility is accepted in this subject in accordance with the guidelines for the allocation of FIF practice venues. In the event that all the practices are carried out at the university of destination, the skill classes will not be compulsory, in the opposite case (there are a number of practices that are carried out in places of practice that are not mobility) classrooms of Skills are mandatory following the chronology set in the academic calendar.

Unique evaluation: This course does not have a unique evaluation option.
