Català Castellano
Academic year 2016-17

Subject's general information
Double bachelor's degree: Degree in Nursing and Degree in Physiotherapy1COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing1COMPULSORYAttendance-based
ECTS credits6
Theoretical credits0
Practical credits0
Important information on data processingConsult this link for more information.

Teaching staff E-mail addresses Credits taught by teacher Office and hour of attention
AGUILÀ BALASTEGUI, MARIAmarguiba_24@hotmail.com1,2
BAÑERES ARGILÉS, CECÍLIAcecilia@infermeria.udl.cat1,2
BARRUFET PERERA, MARTAmartabarrufet@dif.udl.cat3
BOBILLO MONTES, YOLANDAyolanda.bobillo@dif.udl.cat1,2
BONET AUGÉ, AÏDAaida.bonet@dif.udl.cat0
CABAU BOBET, DOLORSdcabau@infermeria.udl.cat0
CALDERÓ SOLÉ, MIQUEL ÀNGELmacaldero@infermeria.udl.cat1,2
CARRASCO RUPÉREZ, MARIA PILARpilar.carrasco@infermeria.udl.cat1,2
CASTRO CARRERAS, ADOLFOadolfcc@infermeria.udl.cat3
DÍAZ ROMERO, BEATRIZbeatriz.diaz@infermeria.udl.cat0
DURAN SEGURA, MIREIAmireia@dif.udl.cat0
FARRÉ I PAGÈS, NÚRIAnuria.farre@dif.udl.cat1,2
FAURIA GARCÍA, YOLANDAyfauria@infermeria.udl.cat0
FERMIÑAN MIRO, MARTAmartafermi@infermeria.udl.cat1,2
FERRER GIL, MARÍAmarferrergil@hotmail.com1,2
FOLGUERA ARNAU, MARIA MERCÈmerce.folguera@infermeria.udl.cat1,2
GAMERO DÍAZ, MARIA DEL MARmar_gamero@infermeria.udl.cat1,2
GARCIA CUADRAT, ESTHEResthergarc@infermeria.udl.cat0
GARCÍA SOLANES, EDITHedith.garcia@infermeria.udl.cat1,2
GROS NAVÉS, SILVIAsgros@infermeria.udl.cat1,2
LAGO PORREDÓN, CLARAclara@dif.udl.cat0
LAVERNIA PRADES, MARIA JOSEFAm.jose.lavernia@infermeria.udl.cat1,2
LEMUS VALERO, MARIA JOSÉmjlemus@infermeria.udl.cat1,2
MARQUILLES BONET, MARIA CARMENcmarquilles@infermeria.udl.cat0
MARTÍNEZ BARRIUSO, JOSÉ MARÍAjosepm.barriuso@dif.udl.cat0
MARTÍNEZ ORDUNA, MIGUELAmiguela.martinez@infermeria.udl.cat0
PARACHE COYO, ROSARIOroser.parache@infermeria.udl.cat0
PEDROL AIGE, MARIA TERESAteresa.pedrol@infermeria.udl.cat0
POSTIC BIJAVICA, TIJANAtijanapostic@infermeria.udl.cat3
QUINTANILLA SANZ, ANA MARÍAanaquintsanz@infermeria.udl.cat0
RAMIREZ GARCIA, ANABELanabel.ramgar@dif.udl.cat0
RIERA RIU, JORDIjordi.riera@infermeria.udl.cat0
RODA VELA, ROSA MARIArosa.roda@infermeria.udl.cat0
RODRÍGUEZ APARICIO, SILVIAsilvia.rodriguez@infermeria.udl.cat0
SANCHEZ PASCUAL, NAZARETnazaret.sanchez@infermeria.udl.cat0
SETÓ GORT, ELOÏSAeloisa.seto@infermeria.udl.cat0
TALÓ SOLÉ, MARIA MERCEDESmercetalo@infermeria.udl.cat3
TEIXINÉ MARTÍN, ANNAanna.teixine@udl.cat0
TORNER BENET, MARIA TERESAteresa.torner@infermeria.udl.cat3
TORRES PIFARRE, MARIA MAGDALENAmtorres@infermeria.udl.cat0
TORT NASARRE, GLÒRIAgloriatort@infermeria.udl.cat0
VALENZUELA PASCUAL, FRANCESCfvp1969@infermeria.udl.cat0
Subject's extra information

The protocol to follow in case of accident encuenta: Practice are pre-professional practices in the form of independent clinical rotation and a final evaluation of skills, health centers, hospitals and other healthcare centers that allow independent competence development of nursing students, such progress it is progressive and gradual through the different courses.

The subjects related to Clinical Practices are mandatory. They are divided in 7 subjects with different creditaje according course, posing increasingly; ie first a single subject of 6 ECTS, second a course of 12, the third two courses of 12 and fourthly, three subjects, two of 12 ECTS and 15. These subjects cover the attention of the person to throughout their life cycle and in different care settings: hospital, community, social and health, among others residential and more specific and mental health. Its purpose is to develop real context of nursing care in prevention, promotion, treatment or support of healthy or sick people, groups of people or society.

The contents of the practices related to the course and expected competence level of the student. The first course aim to discover the health context and a first contact with the health care setting, the second is located in basic hospital units and aim to train in basic nursing skills, the third pose a reinforcement practices second course on the one hand and attention to pregnant women is introduced, the child and elderly person and in the fourth grade different itineraries so that students know the specialized units and community care arise.

The teaching methodology has two axes: preparation activities (lectures, seminars on topics with a clear implication in the care of the person and practical classes on technical nurses) and care practices. Care practices in direct care is collected to the person, together with the care teams, clinical cases work in the medical center or tutoring, more personal work associated mainly to the preparation of reports or reports of practices

The evaluation system consists of three pieces of evidence: one pre-clinical evaluation of preparedness activities; two preparation by students of reports or reports of clinical practice, and three, competency assessment process in the specific context of the practices by the professional responsible for the student. For clinical practices have developed different instruments or items which allow competence assessment for specific subject as expected level (see assessment system).

The protocol to follow in case of accident encuenta:

The center develops teaching management of clinical practices through two coordinators, who work together with clinical associate professors. These are teachers, tutors clinical practice, whose function is to direct clinical monitoring student learning while serving as union between theoretical teaching and clinical practice. This teacher meets the optimal conditions for this course, according to their care expertise, technical and theoretical knowledge required and a great knowledge of the healthcare environment.

General rules for practicum student of Degree in Nursing:

The date can be found at the web address:

Since the coordination of practicum strongly recommend that all students be immunized with basic vaccines (including must have, hepatitis and tetanus) before starting their periods of clinical practice is recommended.

If you are not familiar with vaccinations, contact your primary care center to carry out the primary vaccination or revaccination as appropriate.


Learning objectives

Objetivos del prácticum de primero de Grado:

Conocer el funcionamiento del servicio: horario, las historias clínicas, etc.
Diferenciar las distintas zonas del servicio: almacén, zona limpia, zona sucia, etc.
Conocer la importancia del lavado de manos y realizarlo siempre que sea necesario.
Diferenciar material limpio y estéril y manejar el material bruto, y donde se ha de colocar.
Realizar la higiene al paciente encamado de forma completa y sistemática.
Realizar correctamente la cama ocupada y desocupada.
Colocar al paciente en una postura adecuada. Conocer la importancia de realizar cambios posturales de forma correcta.
Ayudar al paciente en sus desplazamientos: de la cama a la silla, etc.
Tomar las constantes vitales de forma correcta al paciente (Polvo, temperatura, tensión arterial, glucemia capilar y electrocardiograma)
Anotar los resultados de la toma de constantes en las gráficas de enfermería.
Conocer el itinerario que se sigue en la administración de la medicación.
Conocer los medicamentos que se administran en la planta de forma general; su nombre genérico y comercial y para qué sirven.
Conocer las diferentes presentaciones en las que se pueden encontrar los fármacos.
Administrar correctamente la medicación. Al alumno de 1 º se le exigirá que sepa administrar correctamente la medicación oral, sublingual, tópica, inhalatoria y rectal.
Realizar una "visita guiada" y valorar con funcionan los diferentes recursos del sistema sanitario.
Ejercitar la observación en los diferentes escenarios.
Ser consciente de la importancia de la valoración de enfermería e interdisciplinar de la persona sana, enferma o institucionalizada.
Conocer y aplicar los principios que sustentan los cuidados integrales de enfermería.
Prestar los cuidados de enfermería y conocer los efectos nocivos de los agentes físicos ionizantes, integrado en el equipo sanitario, ya sea para el diagnóstico (radiodiagnóstico) como para el tratamiento (utilización terapéutica de las radiaciones ionizantes) de la persona o la comunidad. Radiología.
Soporte Vital Básico

En cuanto a las actitudes del alumno, éste debe ser capaz de:

Establecer buena relación y comunicación con los pacientes y sus familiares. Esto implica mantener la confidencialidad del paciente y de su historia clínica, cooperar y colaborar con él, confortarlo y respetar sus derechos en base a sus creencias y valores.
Establecer buena comunicación con sus compañeros y otros profesionales sanitarios.
Demostrar voluntariedad y entusiasmo en el cuidado del paciente.
Demostrar comportamientos profesionales: puntualidad, vestuario adecuado, respeto a los demás, etc.

Objectives of practicum first Grade:

Knowing how the service: schedules, medical records, etc.
Differentiate the different service areas: storage, clean area, dirty area, etc.
Knowing the importance of washing hands and do it whenever necessary.
Differentiate clean and sterile equipment and handle the raw material, and where it has been placed.
Perform the bedridden patient hygiene complete and systematic manner.
Perform properly the employed and unemployed bed.
Place the patient in a proper posture. Knowing the importance of postural changes correctly.
Helping the patient on the go: from bed to chair, etc.
Taking vital signs so correct the patient (dust, temperature, blood pressure, blood glucose and electrocardiogram)
Record results of making constant nursing charts.
See the itinerary followed in the administration of medication.
Knowing the drugs administered in the plant generally; generic and brand name and what they do.
Knowing the different presentations that can be found drugs.
properly administer medication. Students of 1st shall be required to know properly administer the oral, sublingual, topical, inhalation and rectal medication.
Perform a "guided tour" and value the different resources of the health system work.
Exercise observation in different scenarios.
Being aware of the importance of nursing assessment and interdisciplinary of healthy, ill or institutionalized person.
Know and apply the principles underlying the overall nursing care.
Providing nursing care and know the harmful effects of ionizing physical agents, integrated into the health care team, either for diagnosis (radiology) and treatment (therapeutic use of ionizing radiation) of the person or the community. Radiology.
Basic Life Support

Regarding the student's attitudes, it must be able to:

Establishing good relationship and communication with patients and their families. This involves maintaining patient confidentiality and medical history, cooperate and collaborate with him, comfort him and respect their rights based on their beliefs and values.
Establish good communication with peers and other health professionals.
Demonstrate willingness and enthusiasm in patient care.
Demonstrate professional behaviors: punctuality, appropriate dress, respect for others, etc.



CB2. Apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and defending arguments and solving problems within their field of study.

CB3. Ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical.

CB4. Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist public.


CE57. Incorporate professional values, competencies care communication, clinical reasoning, clinical management and critical judgment, integrating professional practice knowledge, skills and attitudes of nursing, based on principles and values ??associated with the competencies described in the general objectives and in the materials that make up the title.

Medication use, evaluating the expected benefits and associated risks and / or effects of its administration and consumption.

CE5.Utilización of medicines, assessing the expected benefits and associated risks and / or effects of its administration and consumption.

CE12.Establecer an empathic and respectful relationship with the patient and family, according to the situation of the person, health problem and stage of development.

CE13. Use strategies and skills that enable effective communication with patients, families and social groups, as well as the expression of their concerns and interests.

CE14. Recognize life-threatening situations and know how to execute maneuvers basic and advanced life support.

CE18. Apply the nursing process to provide and ensure the quality and safety welfare people attended.

CE20. Direct, assess and provide comprehensive nursing care, the individual, the family and the community.

CE23. Promote the participation of individuals, families and groups in their health-disease process.

CE28. Educate, facilitate and support the health and well-being of community members whose lives are affected by health problems, risk, suffering, sickness, disability or death.

CE32. Perform the techniques and procedures of nursing care, establishing a therapeutic relationship with patients and relatives.

CE34. Have a cooperative attitude with the different team members.

CE52. Provide care, guaranteeing the right to dignity, privacy, privacy, confidentiality and decision of the patient and family.

CE53. Individualize care for age, gender, cultural differences, ethnicity, beliefs and values.


CT4 acquire basic knowledge of entrepreneurship and professional environments.


CG1. Capacity for adapting to new situations

The student will acquire the skills progressively over the four years.


CB2. Apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and defending arguments and solving problems within their field of study.

CB3. Ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical.

Subject contents

The first grade student is trained to do (and therefore falls within its objectives practices I):

1. Communication and information gathering

Presentation and identification
Information collection (personal interview, history, anamnesis ...)
Valuation health needs (Virginia Henderson)
Assessment by health patterns (Marjorie Gordon)

2. Vital Signs

Control and recording body temperature (axillary, rectal, tympanic ...)
Monitoring and recording of blood pressure
Monitoring and recording of respiratory rate
Monitoring and recording of heart rate
Control of blood glucose

3. Hygiene and skin

Hygiene of the person
Assessment of skin condition

4. Food

Oral diet and control of intakes
nasogastric enteral diet or gastrostomy

5. Respiratory

Basic operation oxygen
aerosol sprays
health education for the sick person or family

6. Medication

Preparation and administration of oral medication
Preparation and administration of medication by gavage or gastrostomy
Preparation and administration of topical medication

7. urinary and fecal Elimination

Urinary catheter care, collectors
Managing incontinence
Preparation and administration of enemas

8. Asepsia

hygienic hand washing
Waste management


Teaching methodology used

1. Lectures.

2. Seminars.

4. Individual work.

6. Practical classes: demo room and / or simulation.

16. Care practices.


1st year demonstration classrooms Grade

The specifics of the classroom demonstration can consutlar through virtual campus


The student to do the practices, you must obtain a grade of suitable classroom skills, thus the student shows that he has learned and assimilated the knowledge and skills of basic procedures and care so that they can carry out in practice clinics.

Each student will perform twelve days of practices that are distributed in the following way:

Four days primary care centers.
Four days in the hospital setting.
Four days in a residential facility.

The student will practice one day a week (Friday) morning shift or afternoon depending on the service and assigning coordinators.

Programming and distribution of students in clinical practice the practicum coordinators will and shall inform, in advance, students and receiving centers.


Development plan

Seminars and classroom skills

Seminars and classroom skills will be held on Friday the first half depending on the schedule prepared for that purpose and that will get the attention of students in the early going.

All kinds of classroom skills are mandatory and the student will not commence clinical practices without having achieved the minimum in each classroom.

The traineeship



Homework and Learning Outcome


Hospital and Primary Residence

Placed in the center and practical space

It will demonstrate to know the physical space. (Rooms, office, dirty area, clean area, storage), the establecidoen schedules and the types of patients treated arecurs. Resource and referral services for patients.




Hospitals and Residences


Basic care (from healthy to sick)

He demonstrated with daily clinical practice achieving the knowledge acquired in the classroom skills, what is the medication most commonly used, make patient hygiene complete and systematic way, successfully perform the bed occupied and unoccupied, place the patient in the correct posture, help you in your journeys


Nursing consultation
Observation of interviews and start documentation. Basic knowledge of the clinical history


Hospitals and Residences

Ratings and medical history

Deepen the issue of medical history, work the nursing process with emphasis on the assessment phase and data collection, taking the patient and annotate constant in the tracking sheet.


Nursing consultation
Clinical guidelines, demand management, process of nursing care, knowledge of care plans and documentation.
You will know the different scenarios nurse performance in primary health care.


Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Primária

Reflection / Evaluation

It will continue to work on the goals outlined in the previous weeks and will reflect and evaluate their learning process.

The student will always be accompanied by a nurse / a or delegation by the auxiliary center staff in all care activities.

The first day of practice the student / a:

     It will be located in the center and practical space.
     It will strive to meet the patients, their name and reason for admission, where the material is stored, what schedule is followed, what conditions prevail, what medication is used ...
     He made a sketch of the floor, where you will place and give the room carrying him with his nurse reference. It will indicate where the office, the kitchen, the clean, the dirty area, where the material is stored is ...

The second day:

     Demonstrate, through daily practice, the achievement of all knowledge that has worked in the classroom skills
     You will know your medical history with special emphasis on assessment: physical examination and interview.
     Knowing the most common protocols of the unit.

The third day:

     Deepen knowledge of the clinical history: Process of nursing care (PAE)
     Knowing the patient type of unit and the 3 most frequent nursing diagnoses.

The fourth day:

     It will continue to progress in their learning process.
     It will carry out a process of reflective assessment of her probationary period (this exercise will the student in writing and delivered coordinators practices at the end of three periods).

Allocation of internship positions:

To assign internship positions coordinators try to meet the demand of students according to the following graduation:

     1st: Having an employment contract or registration of official studies at the University of Lleida, which prevents carrying out a specific shift and accredit documentation.
     2nd: Notes classroom skills first course practicum

El primer día de prácticas del alumno / a:

     Se ubicará en el centro y espacio de prácticas.
     Se esforzará en conocer a los pacientes, su nombre y motivo de ingreso, donde se guarda el material, qué horario se sigue, qué patologías predominan, qué medicación se utiliza ...
     Realizará un croquis de la planta, donde situará las habitaciones y señalará las que lleva él con su enfermera de referencia. Señalará donde está el office, la cocina, la zona limpia, la zona sucia, donde se guarda el material ...

El segundo día:

     Demostrará, con la práctica diaria, el logro de todos aquel conocimientos que ha trabajado en las aulas de habilidades
     Conocerá la historia clínica haciendo especial énfasis en la valoración: examen físico y entrevista.
     Conocer los protocolos más frecuentes de la unidad.

El tercer día:

     Profundizará en el conocimiento de la historia clínica: Proceso de atención de enfermería (PAE)
     Conocer el paciente tipo de la unidad y los 3 diagnósticos de enfermería más frecuentes.

El cuarto día:

     Continuará avanzando en su proceso de aprendizaje.
     Llevará a cabo un proceso de evaluación reflexiva sobre su período de prácticas (este ejercicio lo hará el alumno por escrito y le entregará los coordinadores de prácticas al terminar los tres periodos).

Asignación de los puestos de prácticas:

Para asignar los puestos de prácticas los coordinadores intentarán satisfacer la demanda de los alumnos siguiendo la siguiente graduación:

     1 º: Tener un contrato laboral o matrícula de estudios oficiales de la Universidad de Lleida, que impida llevar a cabo un turno concreto y acreditarlo documentalmente.
     2 º: Las notas de las aulas de habilidades de primer curso de prácticum


The evaluation of clinical practice 1 has three evaluators eviencias:

15% Daily practice
30% Note Classrooms habiltats (Exams, attitudes and skills)
55% Note practices

We must overcome each of the evidence with a minimum score of 5, except the clinical practices where the cut-off will be a 6. If a student takes out a 6 note practice in some period, will not do half the work and It shall be suspended this period.

Practicum coordinators will establish forms of recovery, if any, if the student has not passed any of the evidence, but in general:

The coordinators of the subject (although it is not considered to be a continuous evaluation) can establish mechanisms for recovery of any specific section. Should approve any evidence in this period of recovery, the weighting shall be 85% of the note section.

This course does not allow the single assessment.

Evaluation of clinical practices FIRST Degree course.

The evaluation was conducted on a scale of 0 to 5, with 0 being the minimum rating and 5 the highest.

NAME AND APELLIDOS....................................................................................................


INSTITUTION ................................................. .............................................. SERVICE



















CAPACITY to acquire new knowledge or assimilar





Quality in trebajo (ordren and method)








Relationship and communication with the computer





Relationship with the patient / user and family





Puntualitad, assistencia and personal appearance


Final Summation over 50 maximum punts








Description of the evaluation.

1. Attitude in the service.

to. Interest: The student must show interest, express doubts and request information, accept the observations that are made and if necessary show changing attitudes when prompted to gain knowledge and understanding of care (question if you do not understand, takes its material practices, adapt to the schedule of the unit ...).

b. Responsibility: the student's ability to ensure the realization of the tasks are assigned and that will fit your level of knowledge will be assessed and fulfill their duties and provide reasoning.

c. Note: We will assess the student's ability to assess the person and identify the needs of the person affected by relating it to their level of knowledge.

2. Ability in service.

     Organization: Students will be able to distribute their activities in accordance with the activities planned by the / the nurse / a care.
     Ability to acquire and assimilate new knowledge: At the end of the traineeship the student must achieve progress in their learning process and must show the ability to want to get rich personally and intellectually.

3. Application in the execution of work.

     Quality of work (order and method): Students will be able to perform the procedures and nursing techniques in an orderly and hygiene measures and appropriate antisepsis.
     Initiative: Students show skills and attitudes that promote their reflexive and coping with new situations ability properly.

4. Teamwork.

     Relationship with the team: We will assess the student's ability to maintain a correct relationship and communication with all team members.

5. Dealing with the user.

     Relationship with the patient / user and his family: the ability to maintain, educated and communicative correct relationship with the patient / user and his family will be assessed.

6. Compliance with standards.

     Punctuality: We will assess compliance with the schedules of the institution and the student's ability to adapt.
     Attendance: Attendance is mandatory and must recover any absence is not justified in point 8 of section B of the Practicum general rules.
     Personal Appearance: We will assess compliance with the general rules of Practicum in regard to uniformity.

2. Aptitud en el servicio.

     Organización: El alumno será capaz de distribuir sus actividades de acuerdo con las actividades planificadas por el / la enfermero / a asistencial.
     Capacidad para adquirir y asimilar nuevos conocimientos: Al final del periodo de prácticas el alumno debe conseguir un progreso en su proceso de aprendizaje y debe mostrar la capacidad de querer enriquecerse personal e intelectualmente.

3. Aplicación en la ejecución del trabajo.

     Calidad en el trabajo (orden y método): El alumno será capaz de realizar los procedimientos y técnicas de enfermería de forma ordenada y con las medidas de higiene y asepsia adecuadas.
     Iniciativa: El alumno mostrará aptitudes y actitudes que promuevan su capacidad reflexiva y afrontamiento de situaciones nuevas de forma adecuada.

4. Trabajo en equipo.

     Relación con el equipo: Valoraremos la capacidad del alumno de mantener una correcta relación y comunicación con todos los miembros del equipo.

5. Comportamiento ante el usuario.

     Relación con el enfermo / usuario y su familia: Se valorará la capacidad de mantener una relación correcta, educada y comunicativa con el enfermo / usuario y su familia.

6. Cumplimiento de las normas.

     Puntualidad: Valoraremos el cumplimiento de los horarios de la institución, así como la capacidad del alumno de adaptarse a ellos.
     Asistencia: La asistencia es obligatoria y se debe recuperar cualquier ausencia que no esté justificada en el punto 8 apartado B de las normas generales del Prácticum.
     Aspecto personal: Valoraremos el cumplimiento de las normas generales del Prácticum en lo que respecta a la uniformidad.



