Català Castellano
Academic year 2023-24

Subject's general information
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing3COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Double bachelor's degree: Degree in Nursing and Degree in Physiotherapy4COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Course number of credits (ECTS)6
Type of activity, credits, and groups
Number of credits0.62.43
Number of groups841
Important information on data processingConsult this link for more information.
Teaching staffE-mail addressesCredits taught by teacherOffice and hour of attention
GINESTET SOTILLO, AROAaroa.ginestet@udl.cat4
LAVEDAN SANTAMARIA, ANAana.lavedan@udl.cat8,1
PARAISO PUEYO, ELENAelena.paraiso@udl.cat5,3
Subject's extra information

The purpose of Nursing of Children and Adolescents is to provide students with a holistic approach, addressing different scenarios that include health promotion and disease prevention, as well as general care directed at children and adolescents with health problems.

The neonatal and pediatric patient are a special patient, who differs in care with respect to the adult patient. Such differences are based on the lower number of experiences and experiences on their own concept of health and disease and, consequently, the responses of the pediatric patient will require specific action by the nursing profession. Therefore, this subject aims to provide the student with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to provide comprehensive and interdisciplinary care and promote humane treatment in all nursing interventions directed not only to the health care of children and adolescents, but also also to that other aspect of our care, the family.

In general, the content of the subject includes the study of the characteristics of the different stages, the health problems and the most frequent care in childhood and adolescence.

Learning objectives

Learning outcomes:



Basic skills:

CB2. Apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.

CB3 Ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.


Specific skills:

CE34. Have a cooperative attitude with the different members of the team. CE37 Know the specific aspects of neonatal care.

CE37 Know the specific aspects of neonatal care.

CE38. Identify the characteristics of the different stages of childhood and adolescence and the factors that condition the normal pattern of growth and development.

CE39. Know the most frequent health problems in childhood and identify their manifestations.

CE40. Analyze the assessment data of the child, identifying the nursing problems and the complications that may arise.

CE41 Apply the techniques that integrate nursing care, establishing a therapeutic relationship with children and their caregivers.

CE42. Select interventions aimed at the healthy child and the patient, as well as those derived from diagnostic and treatment methods.

CE43. Be able to provide health education to parents or primary caregivers.


Transversal skills:

CT3. Acquire training in the use of new technologies and information and communication technologies

Subject contents

Module 1. Introduction to childhood and adolescent nursing.
• Historical and social evolution of child care.
• Rights of the child: Declaration of the rights of the child and rights of the hospitalized child. Initiatives for the humanization of assistance in the field of pediatrics.
• Evolution of pediatrics and pediatric nursing. Fields of action.
• Morbidity and mortality during childhood and adolescence.
• Childhood periods: Characteristics and definition.

Module 2. Newborn, healthy child and adolescent.
• The healthy neonate: Classification, assessment, characteristics and care.
• Growth and normal development of the child and adolescent.
• Promotion of children's health: health habits and controls.
• Prophylaxis of infectious diseases.
• Breastfeeding and feed complementary ion.
• Feeding throughout childhood.
• Accident prevention.
• Nursing care within the framework of the follow-up program for the healthy child.

Module 3. Newborns with health problems.
• Adaptation to extrauterine life in the newborn. Associated pathology
• Identification and assessment of the high risk newborn.
• Most frequent health problems in the neonatal stage. Cardiovascular, respiratory, hematological, digestive, neurological and infectious problems. Problems associated with maternal pathology.
• Care planning in the hospitalization of the high-risk newborn. Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Hospitalization at home. Prescription nurse.

Module 4. Children and adolescents with health problems.
• Most frequent health problems during childhood. Nursing action in digestive, nephro-urinary, endocrine, respiratory, otorhinolaryngeal processes. Exanthemic diseases.
• Most frequent health problems during adolescence.
• Nursing care of children and adolescents in pediatric hospitalization, in Pediatric Intensive Care Units and pediatric emergencies. Prescription nurse.

Development plan

The definitive development plan will be published in the section resources of the space of the subject in the Virtual Campus in chronogram format, with the distribution and the dates of the sessions of weekly character.


The sessions can be recorded, for this reason the University of Lleida (UdL) informs that, for teaching purposes, will record images that identify students and other people who participate in academic activities. The responsible person for processing these images is the UdL (contact details of the representative: Secretaria General. Plaça de Víctor Siurana, 1, 25003 Lleida,; contact details of the data protection officer: These images are only used for teaching, assessing subject’s knowledge and for teaching improvement projects. The use of the images responds to the legal obligation of the UdL to teach and improve university teaching, in accordance with Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on universities. The images, once recorded, are kept at least as long as they do not prescribe the corresponding actions and claims against the evaluation approved by the teacher. They are destroyed in the terms and conditions provided for in the regulations on the conservation and disposal of the administrative documents of the UdL, and the document evaluation tables approved by the Generalitat de Catalunya ( The UdL will never communicate this data to third parties, except in the cases strictly provided for in the Law. Interested people can access to their images; request rectification, deletion or portability; oppose the treatment and request its limitation, by writing to the address </src/compose.php?>. They can also submit a complaint addressed to the Catalan Data Protection Authority, through the electronic headquarters of the Authority ( or by non-electronic media.



1. - Assessment of knowledge and skills by written test by 35%.

2. - Work done by the student in seminars, problem solving and / or practical classes: written and oral presentation about the weekly contents according to the established planning, in 25%.

3. - Work done by the student: Report, project or program by 30%.

4. - Instruments based on observation: Control, participation and monitoring. Active and participatory student assistance in theoretical sessions and scheduled practices, by 10%.

5. - To pass the subject it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5 in punt 1, 2 and 3.


ALTERNATIVE EVALUATION (According to article 5 of the Regulations of the appraisal and the qualification of the docència to the UdL and the internal regulations of the FIF in this respect):

1. - 60% written test.
2. - Work done by the student: Report, project or program in 40%.



In relation to absence justifications, the reasons for which the absence is considered to be justified, will be the same as those stated in the Regulations for Assessment and Qualification of Teaching in Degrees and Masters at the UdL for failure to attend the assessment tests scheduled in the teaching guide or on the degree website.

For the rest of situations derived from health, personal or family problems, the student will be allowed to change the day and recover the seminar during the week, if possible.

Justification or absence requests that entail failure to appear for an evaluation test must be submitted on the same absence day. The rest absence justifications must be submitted within the following 10 days.

In general, the student will only be excused the absence, but not the lack of compliance with their academic commitments.
