Català Castellano
Academic year 2023-24

Subject's general information
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing3COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Double bachelor's degree: Degree in Nursing and Degree in Physiotherapy4COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Course number of credits (ECTS)6
Type of activity, credits, and groups
Number of credits0.62.43
Number of groups841
Teaching load distribution between lectures and independent student work Total: 6 ECTS

- Theoretical class ----- (50%)

- Seminars ----- (50%)
Important information on data processingConsult this link for more information.
LanguageCatalan, Spanish, English
Distribution of credits Classroom activities (40%):

- Theoretical class (50%) -------- 30 hours
- Seminars (50%) -------- 30 hours

Non-face-to-face activities: autonomous work (60%):

- 90 hours

Total hours of student dedication: 150h
Teaching staffE-mail addressesCredits taught by teacherOffice and hour of attention
BALLESTE ESCORIHUELA, JANINAjanina.balleste@udl.cat3
FARRE PAGES, NURIAnuria.farrepages@udl.cat1,5
FITE SERRA, ANA MARIAanamari.fite@udl.cat1,4
MARTINEZ SOLDEVILA, JORDIjordi.martinezsoldevila@udl.cat11,5
Subject's extra information
Learning objectives

- To acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be part of the primary health care team.
- To identify health-related factors and environmental problems in order to care for the person in health and illness, as well as for the family, group and community.
- To know the bases and applications of health promotion and education.




CB4.   To be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized public.


CE8.   To identify the most prevalent nutritional problems and select the appropriate dietary recommendations.

CE.9.  To Apply the health care information and communications technologies and systems.
CE23. To promote the participation of individuals, families and groups in their health-disease process.
CE24. To identify the factors related to health and environmental problems in order to attend to people in situations of health and illness as members of a community.
SG25. To identify and analyse the influence of internal and external factors on the level of health of individuals and groups.
SG31. To analyze the data collected in the assessment, prioritize the problems of the adult patient, establish and execute the plan of care and perform its evaluation.

Transversal competencies:

CT1.  To acquire an adequate comprehension and oral and written expression of Catalan and Spanish.
CT2.  To acquire a significant command of a foreign language, especially English.
CT3.  To acquire training in the use of new technologies and information and communication technologies.



  1. To identify the importance of the participation of individuals, families and groups in the health-disease process, developing a work that will show and analyze the participation of community groups in real situations.
  2. To record, document and use available information systems to organize care, using appropriate technologies and identify the benefits of teamwork in care.
  3. To interpret and relate the concepts related to epidemiology and the prevention and control mechanisms of the most frequent infectious and chronic processes in the community.
  4. To respond to identified needs by organizing the plan of care, providing services, and evaluating the most appropriate community or individualized programs of care with the patient, caregivers and families, and other health or social workers.


Subject contents

Module 1. Primary health care of the adult person. Most prevalent chronic health problems. Health problems of high prevalence in current communities. Communicable diseases (bacteriology, virology, parasitology). Prevention, control and health education activities. Prescription nurse

Module 2. Fragility.

Module 3. Community interventions (II).

Module 4. Computerized clinical history and nursing care process.

Module 5. Attention to acute health problems. Demand management. Triage of nursing in AP. Advanced vital support and transportation.

Module 6. Urgent approach to wounds, ulcers and burns in primary care.

Module 7. Community programs in primary health care.

Module 8. Presentation of activities carried out by different primary health education teams for health.



 Teaching methodologies:

1.   Master classes.
2.   Seminars
7.   Written work.
10. Elaboration of projects
11. Troubleshooting.
13. Guided discussion.
14. Colloquiums and conferences.


Development plan

The development plan in the form of a schedule of the course with the distribution, and dates of the sessions, will be posted in the resource space of the Virtual Campus.



Classroom-based activities


Non-contact activities: Student's autonomous work


Total student hours:

Theoretical class




6 30 hours 30 hours 90 hours 150 hours

The sessions can be recorded, for this reason the University of Lleida (UdL) informs that, for teaching purposes, will record images that identify students and other people who participate in academic activities. The responsible person for processing these images is the UdL (contact details of the representative: Secretaria General. Plaça de Víctor Siurana, 1, 25003 Lleida,; contact details of the data protection officer: These images are only used for teaching, assessing subject’s knowledge and for teaching improvement projects. The use of the images responds to the legal obligation of the UdL to teach and improve university teaching, in accordance with Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on universities. The images, once recorded, are kept at least as long as they do not prescribe the corresponding actions and claims against the evaluation approved by the teacher. They are destroyed in the terms and conditions provided for in the regulations on the conservation and disposal of the administrative documents of the UdL, and the document evaluation tables approved by the Generalitat de Catalunya ( The UdL will never communicate this data to third parties, except in the cases strictly provided for in the Law. Interested people can access to their images; request rectification, deletion or portability; oppose the treatment and request its limitation, by writing to the address </src/compose.php?>. They can also submit a complaint addressed to the Catalan Data Protection Authority, through the electronic headquarters of the Authority ( or by non-electronic media.


Continious evaluation:



Evaluation systems


 % of grade


Written test: oberta- closed question questionnaire / test / clinical case



Work done by students: In group and / or individual, case solving problems or exercises



Work done by students: report, project or program



The evaluation of knowledge will consist of a written test that will count 40% of the subject, work done by the student: group / individual resolution of cases, problems or exercises 30%, a project or written work that will count 30%. Distribution:

In order to make the weighted average of the grades of the different evaluation activities, it will be essential that all of them are approved with a grade equal to or higher than 5. Otherwise, the subject will be suspended and must be submitted to the second call. If in the second call a grade equal to or greater than 5 is not obtained in all the evaluation activities, the subject cannot be passed and the grade of the file will be 4.9 or lower.

Other information regarding the evaluation system:

        The faculty will offer the students, whenever possible and that the general circumstances allow it, the opportunity to participate and attend (with the corresponding presentation of a brief summary) at least one conference, community activity and/or event. This participation will add a maximum total of 0.5 extra points to the final overall grade for the course. In addition, students may voluntarily participate in other training activities offered by the faculty and where the student participates and meets the requirements may obtain a maximum of 0.1 to 0.5 extra points in the evaluation section number 6.

It is necessary to make an appointment one week in advance for the individual tutorials. In addition, group tutorials will be held according to the functional groups (videoconferencing is possible).

In order to obtain the honorary degree, the current evaluation regulations will be followed.

Regarding the plagiarism policy: assigning the authorship of a work that is not one's own directly implies a failure and the final grade of the course in the transcript will be 1.


In relation to absence justifications, the reasons for which the absence is considered to be justified, will be the same as those stated in the Regulations for Assessment and Qualification of Teaching in Degrees and Masters at the UdL for failure to attend the assessment tests scheduled in the teaching guide or on the degree website.

For the rest of situations derived from health, personal or family problems, the student will be allowed to change the day and recover the seminar during the week, if possible.

Justification or absence requests that entail failure to appear for an evaluation test must be submitted on the same absence day. The rest absence justifications must be submitted within the following 10 days.

In general, the student will only be excused the absence, but not the lack of compliance with their academic commitments.

Unique evaluation



Evaluation systems


Percentage of grade


Written test: oberta- closed question questionnaire / test / clinical case



Work done by students: In group and / or individual, case solving problems or exercises



Work done by students: report, project or program



The evaluation of knowledge will consist of a written test that will count 40% of the subject, work done by the student: individual, case resolution 30%, a individual project or written work that will count 30%. Distribution:

In order to make the weighted average of the grades obtained in the different activities of global evaluation of the course, it is essential that all of them are approved with a grade equal to or higher than 5.

Regarding the plagiarism policy: assigning the authorship of a work that is not one's own implies a failure and the final grade of the course in the transcript will be 1.




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(21) Romero Collado, A; Verdú Soriano, J; Homs Romero E. Antimicrobianos en heridas crónicas. Serie de Documentos Técnicos GNEAUPP No VIII. 2a Edición. Grupo Nacional para el Estudio y Asesoramiento en Úlceras por Presión y Heridas Crónicas. Logroño. 2021.

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