Català Castellano
Academic year 2023-24

Subject's general information
Bachelor's Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics3COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Double bachelor's degree: Degree in Human Nutrition and Diethetics and Degree in Physiotherapy4COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Course number of credits (ECTS)9
Type of activity, credits, and groups
Number of credits4.54.5
Number of groups21
Teaching load distribution between lectures and independent student workClassroom hours 90
- Lectures 45
- Seminars 45
Non-attendance hours 225
Important information on data processingConsult this link for more information.
LanguageCatalan and Spanish
Teaching staffE-mail addressesCredits taught by teacherOffice and hour of attention
BRIONES VOZMEDIANO, ERICA TULAerica.briones@udl.cat1,5
BRIONES VOZMEDIANO, ERICA TULAerica.briones@udl.cat0
MARTINEZ OLMEDO, NAILAnaila.martinez@udl.cat0
RODRÍGUEZ GUERRERO, LUIS ALEJANDROluisalejandro.rodriguez@udl.cat4
ZAPATA ROJAS, AMALIAamalia.zapata@udl.cat8
Subject's extra information

This subject aims to place the student in a community context. We propose that they understand health as a continuous (non-dual) phenomenon with variations between population groups and over time. We also want to disseminate the idea that health depends, among other things, on the lifestyles of individuals, including nutrition. The course aims to provide the basis for measuring the health of the community and the factors that determine it, as well as to participate in the planning and evaluation of interventions.

Very important health problems in our environment (very frequent and causing high mortality or loss of quality of life) are closely linked to nutrition; examples are cardiovascular diseases or cancer. Finally, public health and the health system itself provide intervention tools to restore, preserve and improve the state of health of the community. At this level, students already have basic knowledge of biostatistics, epidemiology and other subjects in order to acquire the knowledge, competences and skills that this subject aims to provide.



Learning objectives

At the knowledge level

To be able to understand health and health-related factors from a community point of view.
To be aware of social and gender inequalities in health.
To dentify and describe the lifestyles that influence health in a given community, especially those related to food and nutrition.
To know what public health is and what it does and what bodies are involved in it.
To know the main threats and risks of food origin that can affect the community.
To know how to measure and assess the state of health of a community and what are the phases and contents for planning and evaluating an intervention.
To know the different intervention strategies in a community,

At the level of capacity and applications

To be able to understand, interpret and participate in the approach to a public health problem of food origin.
To be able to analyse or communicate news with public health, food and nutrition implications.
To be able to participate and interpret an assessment of the nutritional status of a community.
To be able to participate in and interpret a health diagnosis of a community as well as in an intervention and evaluation.

At the level of values and attitudes

To understand and defend health as a community good.
To understand and defend the actions of different bodies (public and private) to recover, maintain and improve the state of health of the community.
To be aware of the importance of social factors and health inequalities.
To be disseminators of the empowerment of citizens in order to achieve improved levels of health.



Students who pass the course must acquire the following competences:

Transversal and strategic competences

Specific competences

Subject contents
  1. Health and its determinants
  2. Lifestyles and health. Main health problems related to food and nutrition.
  3. Health risks associated with food and water. Food safety and food control
  4. International and national agencies with competencies in public health, food and nutrition.
  5. Health systems models
  6. The Catalan and Spanish health systems
  7. Public health and its areas. Health promotion, disease prevention, health protection and health surveillance.
  8. Nutrition and public health.
  9. Levels of prevention
  10. Health diagnosis and health indicators
  11. Nutritional policies
  12. Planning
  13. Health programme design
  14. Dietary guidelines and nutrition education
  15. Evaluation of the efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency of health programmes.
  16. Programmes and actions of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia and other organisations in the field of food and nutrition.
  17. Interpretation and assessment of the nutritional status of a population. Nutritional status of Catalonia and Spain

Examples of practical content and seminars
1. Analysis of a large-scale public health problem of food origin.
2. Inequalities in health. Poverty.
3. Analysis of a news story with public health, food and nutrition implications.
4. Analysis of comparative health systems
5. Public health actions in response to a food alert
6. Health indicators: calculation and interpretation
7. Health indicators: community health reporting
8. Evaluation of a public health intervention
9. Analysis of a health report (development of the Health Plan). master plans
10. Brief analysis of nutritional policy
11. How we will elaborate a food guide. didactic aspects.
12. Assessment of health programmes and presentation of the "Let's move" programme on nutrition and sport at school.
13. Interpretation and evaluation of an assessment of the nutritional status of the population.
14. Health diagnosis and development of a community nutrition intervention programme.



Four didactic approaches will be used:

Lectures (4,5 ECTS)
Practical seminars (4 ECTS)
Practical discussions of real cases (0,3 ECTS)
Presentation of case studies (0,2 ECTS)


Development plan

Classroom hours 90:
Master Classes 45
Practical seminars 45

Non-attendance hours: Elaboration of a programme of intervention in community nutrition


If an audiovisual record is made of any of the activities carried out during the course, it will be followed and treated according to the "Regulations governing the creation, use and preservation of audiovisual material recorded for teaching purposes in the Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy of the UdL":

The University of Lleida reports that, for teaching purposes, will record images that identify the student body and other people involved in academic activities. The University of Lleida is responsible for the processing of these images (contact details of the representative: General Secretariat. Plaza de Víctor Siurana, 1, 25003 Lleida,; contact details of the data protection delegate:

These images are only used for teaching purposes, to evaluate the knowledge of the subject and for teaching improvement projects.

The use of the images responds to the legal obligation of the UdL to teach and improve university teaching, in accordance with the Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on universities. The images, once recorded, are kept at least until the corresponding actions and claims against the evaluation approved by the teaching staff are prescribed. They are destroyed in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the regulations on the conservation and disposal of UdL administrative documents and the documentary evaluation tables approved by the Catalan government (

The UdL will never communicate this data to third parties, removed from the cases strictly provided for by law.

Interested parties may access their images; request rectification, deletion or portability; oppose processing and request limitation, by writing to <>. They may also submit a complaint to the Catalan Data Protection Authority, through the Authority's electronic headquarters ( or by non-electronic means.



Continuous evalutaion

The evaluation will be based on the following evidences:

Alternative assessment.

In accordance with the assessment regulations approved by the Consell de Govern on 26 February 2014, students who are working may opt for a single assessment at the beginning of the course. This will consist of a multiple-choice exam that will represent 60% of the mark and of which they will have to obtain a minimum mark of 6 to pass it plus a proposal of a programme of intervention in community nutrition (in oral and written presentation) with the same conditions as the students of continuous assessment, this last activity represents 40% of the mark.





Basic bibliography


  1. Serra Majem LL, Aranceta Bartrina J, Matais Verdú J. Nutrición y salud pública. Métodos, bases científicas y apliaciones. Elsevier-Masson S.A. Madrid 2006.
  2. Aranceta J. Nutrición comunitària. Elsevier Masson S.L. Barcelona 2013. 
  3. Leon Gordis. Epidemiología. Tercera Edición. Elsevier Espanya S.A. Madrid 2005.
  4. Miquel Porta. Dictionary of Epidemiology. Oxford University Press. New York. Fifth Edition. 2008.
  5. Argimon JM, Jiménez J. Métodos de investigación clínica y epidemiológica. Elsevier Espanya S.A. Madrid 2013.
  6. Piédrola Gil. Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública. Elsevier-Masson S.A. Barcelona, 2008.
  7. Willett W. Nutritional Epidemiology, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998.
  8. Direcció General de Salut Pública. Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya. Llibre blanc. Concens sobre les activitats preventives a l’edat adulta dins l’atenció primària. 2ª edició. Barcelona, abril de 2006
  9. Departament de Salut. PAAS. Promoció de l’activitat física i l’alimentació saludable.
  10. Direcció General de Salut Pública. Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya. Guia per a la prevenció i el control de les toxiinfeccions alimentàries. 2ª edició. Barcelona, Juliol de 2006.

Additional bibliography and resources on the net


  1. Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya.
  2. Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya (ASPCAT).
  3. Agència Catalana de Seguretat Alimentària.
  4. Legislació alimentària.
  5. Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya. Pla de salut 2011-2015.
  6. Mapa sanitari, sociosanitari i de salut pública de Catalunya
  7. Enquesta de salut de Catalunya. Enquesta contínua.
  8. Avaluació de l’estat nutricional a Catalunya 2003-2003.
  9. Llei de salut pública a Catalunya de 14 d’octubre de 2010.
  10. Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social.
  11. El Sistema Nacional de Salud. España 2010.
  12. Ley General de Sanidad de 25 de Abril de 1986.
  13. Ley 16/2003 de 28 de Mayo de Cohesión y Calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud.
  14. Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición.
  15. Agencia Española del medicamento.
  16. European Food Safety Authority.
  17. Food and Drug Administration.
  18. Centers for Disease Control and Prevntion.
  19. Organització Mundial de la Salut.
  20. The Nutrition Source. School of Public Health. Harvard University.