Català Castellano
Academic year 2019-20

Subject's general information
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine4COMPULSORYAttendance-based
Course number of credits (ECTS)12
Type of activity, credits, and groups
Number of credits1.92.57.6
Number of groups421
Teaching load distribution between lectures and independent student workLectures: 12 ECTS
Student work: 18 ECTS
Important information on data processingConsult this link for more information.
LanguageCatalan, Spanish and some English material
Distribution of creditsClassroom lessons: 12 ECTS
- Classroom classes: 7.6 ECTS
- Practices: 1.9 ECTS
- Seminars: 2.5 ECTS
Office and hour of attentionConcertar amb els professors/res
Teaching staffE-mail addressesCredits taught by teacherOffice and hour of attention
GARCIA CERECEDO, TOMAStomas.garcia@udl.cat2,1
GOMEZ ARBONES, XAVIERxavier.gomez@udl.cat2
MARZO ALONSO, MARIA CRISTINAcristina.marzo@udl.cat2,7
MIRA FLORES, MOISES JOSEmoises.mira@udl.cat1,95
NABAL VICUÑA, MARIAmaria.nabal@udl.cat1,6
SALUD SALVIA, MARIA ANTONIAantonia.salud@udl.cat3,05
SCHOENENBERGER ARNAIZ, JUAN ANTONIOjuanantonio.schoenenberger@udl.cat3,9
TARRAGONA FORADADA, JORDIjordi.tarragona@udl.cat1
Subject's extra information

The course is given during the first cuatrimester of the fourth academic year.

The course is structured in five large blocks that are designed in a coordinated manner: hematology, pharmacology, pathology, oncology, and palliative medicine.

In this matter, the basics and knowledge to understand blood diseases, oncology and palliative medicine, as well as aspects of pharmacology and pathology related to these disciplines are provided.

The course is focused from a theoretical and practical point of view.

Learning objectives

• Possess the knowledge and skills of the main blood diseases and cancer.
• Understand and apply the resources of the palliative medicine.
• Ability to establish and interpretate biological diagnostic tests
• Have sufficient knowledge to develop criteria in the therapeutic management of blood diseases and cancer.


BOE February 15, 2008, and Ministerial Order ECI / 332/2008

80.- Be able to recognize, diagnose and manage the diseases of the  blood
87.- Demonstrate knowledge of the tumor disease and its diagnosis and management
111.- Demonstrate basic knowledge of palliaive medicine
126.- Apply knowledge of pathology
127.- Demonstrate an understanding of biochemical, cytogenetic and molecular biology markers applied to clinical diagnosis
139.- Apply knowledge of pharmacology
140.- Demonstrate medical expertise in the use of analgesic, antineoplastic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory pharmacs
148.- Describe the principles of transfusion and transplantation
159.- Be able to perform elementary surgical procedures
152.- Evaluate and interpretate the results of laboratory diagnostic tests
155.- Be able to use drugs properly

Subject contents

The allocation of classrooms may be changed depending on the teaching needs, available space and programming assignments. You can check for updates and modifications at the Virtual Campus of our university (CV; and UdL App for mobile devices ( is / udlapp / index.html).

Development (in the Catalan version include day and provided hours of lectures):


Hematology (H):


Large group (1 hour each):


01.- Hematopoiesis (Dr. Gomez):

02.- Introduction to the pathology of red blood cells. Anemic syndrome (Dr. Gomez):

03.- Chronic disorders anemia. Hemochromatosis (Dr. Gomez):

04.- Iron deficiency anemia (Dr. Gomez):

05.- Megaloblastic anemia (Dr. Gomez):

06.- Membranopaties. Enzymopathies, (Dr. Gomez):

07.- Hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemia (Dr. Gomez):

08.- Hemolytic anemia. HPN (Dr. Gomez):

09.- Introduction to the physiology and pathology of hemostasis (Dra Marzo):

10. Thrombocytopenia. Purple (Dra Marzo):

11. Congenital coagulopathies (Dra Marzo)):

12. Acquired coagulopathies.(Dra Marzo):

13.- Thromboembolic disease(Dra Marzo):

14. Hypoplasia and aplastic anemia (Dr. A García):

15. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (Dr. Garcia, Guest (Dr. A. Garcia):

16. Transfusion ((Dr. Garcia, Guest (Dr. Pinacho).

17. Acute leukemia  (Dr. García):

18.- Acute leukemia  2 (Dr. García):

19. Myelodysplastic syndrome(Dr. A. Garcia):

20.- Chronic myeloproliferative syndromes (Dr. A. Garcia):

21. Chronic myeloid leukemia (Dr. Garcia: Guest (Dr. A. Garcia)):

22. Chronic  lymphoproliferative syndrome 1(Dr. García):

23. Chronic  lymphoproliferative syndrome 2(Dr. García):

24. Chronic lymphoproliferative syndrome 3 (Dr. García):

25. Multiple Myeloma (Dr. Garcia: Guest (Dr. A. Garcia)):


Medium group (2 hours each session): ½ class.


M1.- Red blood cells diseases. Anemias (Dr. Gomez)

M2.- Pathology of hemostasis and platelet series (Dra. Marzo)

M3.- White blood cells diseases (Dr. García)


Small group (2-3 hours each session): ¼ class.


P1.- Blood count (Dr. Gómez).

P2.- Clinical hematology Case 1 (Dra. Marcz):

P3.- Clinical hematology Case 2 (Dr. García):




 Pharmacology (F):


Small group (2 hours each session): ¼ class


P1.- Pharmacology of  hematopoiesis 1 (Dr. Schoenenberguer)

P2.- Pharmacology of  hematopoiesis 2 (Dr. Schoenenberguer)

P3.- Pharmacology of  cancer 1 (Dr. Schoenenberguer)

P4.- Pharmacology of  cancer 2 (Dr. Schoenenberguer)

P5.- Pharmacology of  cancer  3 (Dr. Schoenenberguer).


Pathology (APA):


Large group (1 hour each):


01.- Pathology of bone marrow (Dr. Tarragona):

02.- Pathology of benign lymphadenopathy and NHL (Dr. Tarragona):

03.- Pathology of lymphoma (Dr. Tarragona):

04.- Pathology of urologic tumors (Dr. Gallel.):

05.- Pathology of prostate cancer (Dr. Gallel.):

06.- Pathology of testicular cancer (Dr. Gallel.):

07.- Pathology of esophageal cancer (Dr. Vilardell):

08.- Pathology of stomach cancer (Dr. Vilardell):

09.- Pathology of colorectal cancer 1 (Dr. Tarragona):

10. Pathology of  colorectal Cancer 2 (Dr. Tarragona):

11. Pathology of hepatocellular carcinoma and biliary tract tumors (Dr. Tarragona):

12.- Pathology of pancreatic cancer (Dr. Tarragona):

13. Pathology of  lung cancer (Dr. Gallel.):

14. Anatomoclinical situations in the study of lung cancer. (Dr. Gallel):

15.- Pathology of in breast cancer (Dr. Vilardell):

16.- Pathology of cervix cancer (Dr. Matias-Guiu):

17.- Pathology of endometrial cancer (Dr. Matias-Guiu):

18.- Pathology of ovarian cancer (Dr. Matias-Guiu):

19.- Pathology of endocrine tumors (Dr. Matias-Guiu):

20.- Pathology of CNS tumors (Dr. Matias-Guiu):

M1AP.- Clinical case (Dr. Tarragona 1hr)



Oncology (O):


Large group (1 hour each):


01.- Introduction to medical and radiation oncology (Dr. Mira / MD Health.):

02.- Oncology of urological tumors (Dra Salud.):

03.- Oncology of prostate cancer (Dr. Mira):

04.- Oncology of testicular tumors and tumor marker value (Dra Salud.):

05.- Oncology of esophageal cancer (Dr. Mira):

06.- Oncology of stomach cancer (Dra Salud.):

07.- Oncology of colon cancer 1 (Dra Salud.):

08.- Oncology of colon cancer 2 (Dra Salud.):

09.- Oncology of rectal cancer (Dr. Mira):

10. Oncology of hepatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma, and gallbladder tumors (Dra Salud.):

11. Pancreatic Oncology, GIST and neuroendocrine tumors (Dra Salud.) Cancer:

12.- Oncology of lung cancer 1 (Dra Salud.):

13.- Oncology of lung cancer 2 (Dra Salud.):

14.- Oncology of lung Cancer 3 (Dr. Mira):

15.- Oncology of breast cancer 1 (Dra Salud.):

16.- Oncology of breast cancer 2. (Dra Salud).

17.- Oncology of breast cancer 3 (Dr. Mira):

18.- Oncology of cervix cancer (Dr. Mira):

19. Oncology of endometrial cancer (Dr. Mira):

20.- Oncology of ovarian cancer (Dra Salud.):

21.- Oncology of CNS tumors (Dr. Mira):

22.- Oncology of Head and Neck Tumors 1 (Dr. Mira):

23.- Oncology of Head and Neck Tumors 2 (Dr. Mira):

24.- Sarcoma and skin tumors (Dr. Mira):


Medium group (2 hours each session): ½ class.


M1.- Etiology and prevention of cancer. (Dra Salud and Dr. Mira)

M2.- Radiotherapy, types, toxicity and management (Dr. Mira)

M3.- Chemotherapy, toxicity and management 1. (Dra Salud)

M4.- Chemotherapy, toxicity and management 2. TNM Classification. (Dra Salud)

M5.- Targeys in oncology.  Clinical trials. (Dra Salud)

M6.- Clinical case 1 (Dr. Mira 1h)

M7.- Clinical case  2. (Dra Salud)




Palliative Medicine (Pal):


Large group (1 hour each):


01.- Palliative Care. Definition and basic principles (Dr. Nabal.):

02.- Pain: Assessment and Treatment 1 (Dr. Nabal.):

03.- Pain: Assessment and Treatment 2 (Dr. Nabal.):

04.- Digestive symptoms (Dr. Nabal.):

05.- Respiratory symptoms (Dr. Nabal.):

06.- Agony (Dr. Nabal.):

07.- Emotional sphere (Dr. Nabal.):

08.- Sociofamiliar Sphere (Dr. Nabal.):



Medium group (2 hours each session): ½ class.


M1.- Communication of bad news (Dra. Nabal)

M2.- Approach to the mourning management. (Dr. Nabal)


The course begins with hematology classes and continues with oncology classes. Classes of pharmacology and pathology were doing in coordination with classes of hemato-oncology. Palliative medicine is given at the end of course.

The teaching methodology is based in lectures with the participation of students, seminars, case studies and guided activities. The classes will be supported with iconography (slides and transparencies) and computer presentations.

Attendance at lectures is not mandatory but we recommend to actively participate in all the sessions and work in advanced the contents of the lectures.

The learning activity is managed through the Virtual Campus (VC) of the University of Lleida.

Development plan

See the scheduled activities at the web of the Faculty of Medicine and the Catalan Guide


1. Tests:

Tests through the Virtual Campus.

2. Resolution of activities:

Resolution of clinical cases, practical examples and activities planned.

3. Written exam:

Examination of multiple choice questions with alternatives of which only one is correct. This exam is made in two parts, examining about half of the course content for each part.


Evaluation Dates:

Go and check the catalan version


At the beginning of the course and during the development of the lectures the most approppiate resources will be recommend.

We also provide reference materials through the Campus Virtual

As general reference texts we recommend



Adaptations to the evaluation due to COVID-19

See catalan guide, please.